1 at least ~65K when the technology of Homo Sapiens Sapiens (HSS)
> experienced in Middle East a "revolution" that lately gave
> of HSS over Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis (HSN).
> 2 First manifestations of writting in perdurable materials are
about ~3.5K

a) Yes, that common believes. But it giving 65 -3.5 =61.5k us to
develop writing systems. Isn't strange? So synchronized in separated
parts of world. But some wrote apparently <300 after migration.
b)Are the condition to accelerate the language complexity similar
across the world regions? Not.
c) Is the language complexity similar? (As far I know) Yes

> 3 Infrastructural advantadges & Cavalli-Sforza have suggested
> reasonabily that demic expansion

I don't question people genetic movement
I know the Cavalli-Sforza concept is +/-correct.
BUT the words can flay over the genetic people movement and that I
very strongly believe. Its fact. "Spreading like a word"
(Language is easy to learn but, I don't think, it is easy to create a
new language in the presence of already existing language. Even if
somebody will, like Esperanto, how to persuade other to use it??

H: The people movement PM and language movement LM are two separated
So the #1 question is the 65k period known or believed?
And #2 was it AB or ABC period?
How the language was developed at the homo-neandertal war period?

> 5 It can not easily answered, we know about the "born" of various
> languages in some conditions (pidgins, idioma de señas
> nicaragüense, ...)
It's not exactly born. Borrowed mixed redeveloped. But let it so be
I like to distinguish the creation of NEW ABSTRCT language.

The ABC (Abstract Creation ha! good name: *1) I think that abstract
words like Live, spirit/ghost, haven, numbers. Is in the p5 process
the ABC recreated.

I suggest that ABC period required essential inter tribal discussion
about the abstract matter. It can't be enforced when it is created.
Also the ABC period requires some kind of research and
experimentation to prove the concept to others. Other ways why they
should believe? Do the linguist community believe it was externally
GIVEN? (I don't think so)

Thus is not so easy to change abstract society abstract layer at all.
So the requisite of words philosophers or words prophets as you like
them to name.

--AD *1
I propose
A Verbalized mimic?
AB call the name
ABC for abstract layer creation period. Reasoning, persuasion logic
ABCD for writing period
ABCD-EFG problem with languages, linguistic born :))

How linguists call stages of language development

> 6 [?]
> 7 [?]