----- Özgün İleti -----
Kimden: Polat Kaya
Kime: b_c_n_2003@yahoogroups.com
Gönderme tarihi: Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:01 AM
Konu: Re: [bcn_2003] Fw: [Nostratica] goddesses

Dear friends,

Below are my explanations of the goddess names from ancient times.

1) INANNA was the Sumerian goddess of love and fertility, and was
also associated with the morning star and evening star.  Her principal
temple at URUK was EANNA "house of sky/heaven". [John L. Hayes]

INANNA is linguistically related to Turkish "AN-ANNA" (AN-ANA, Gök-ana)
meaning "Sky Mother" or "Mother Sky" which is the birth place of all

INANNA is also linguistically related to Turkish "hAN-ANNA" meaning
"Goddess Mother" referring to the first creator mother, i.e., grandmother
of all mothers; and additionally, she is the "mother" herself, that is,
the "wife" of "father" - and both are creators.

INANNA has also been shown as INANA, INNIN, and NINNI. [John L. Hayes].

"INANA" is essentially the same as INANNA and again is linguistically
related to Turkish "AN-ANA" meaning "Sky-Mother" and/or "Han Ana".

"INNIN" is linguistically related to Turkish "AN NINE" meaning
"Grandmother of sky" and/or "HAN NINE" meaning "Lord Grandmother".

"NINNI" is linguistically related to Turkish "NINE" meaning "Grandmother".

My own grandmother (my father's mother) was named "NINEHANIM".
I was born in eastern Anatolia where the ancient Sumerians , Hurrians,
Kassites, Medes (Metes) Mitannies and many more Turkish peoples lived
and developed their culture.

INANNA is also known as "The lady of the sky/heaven".  In this context,
meaning "My lady mother".  My wife's mother had the name "HANIM ANA".
Mythologically, INANNA is a personification of the Sun.

2. The Akkadian/Assyrian version of INANNA was ISTAR, ISHTAR or
ASTARTE.  These names are all the same and are from Turkish. 

a)  In the daily life context, they are all from Turkish word "EShTIR"
(avrattir, eshtir, karidir) meaning "she is mate" and "she is wife".
Thus, Istar, Ishtar and Astarte are another way of expressing "wife"
or "woman".  The name is drived from Turkish "ESh" (meaning
"husband" or "wife" or"one of a pair", in this case "wife"),  plus the
Turkish suffix "-TIR, -TUR, -TER, -TAR" meaning "it is".

b) In the mythological context, they are the personification of the Sun
or something related to the Sun since she is "goddess" and half of a
pair.  Therefore, in this context these names  are from Turkish
"ISHITIR" meaning "it is light".  "Light" indeed is the "mate" of the
creator sun-god as they cannot be separated from one another.
As long as there is sun, there will always be "light" with it.  Light
brings in not only the "light" but also the "heat" from sun to earth
and hence provides life to the planet.  Thus these names are the
feminine personification of "light" (IShI) and "heat" (ISI) in

3. The Greek version of INANNA is APHRODITE and known as the Goddess
of Love.

a) In the daily life context, APHRODITE represents a woman and
therefore is an anagram of Turkish "AVRAT IDI" (AVRET IDI) meaning
"she is wife" or "she is woman".  Of course, "wife" and "woman" are
the "goddess of love".

b) In the mythological context, APHRODITE is the feminine personification
of a deity and therefore when rearranged as "ATI-OD-PHER" is an
anagram of Turkish "ADI OD FERI" meaning "its name is radiance of fire",
i.e., the "light of fire" or "flame".

Here, I would like to bring in another so-called Greek sourced English
word that contains APHRODITE in it.  HERMAPHRODITE meaning "person
or animal with the characteristics of both sexes" is supposedly from
Greek word ERMAPHRODITOS.  When we inspect this Greek word we find
that it is made of "HERM-APHRODITE".  I have just shown above that the
name "APHRODITE" was anagrammatized from Turkish "AVRAT"/ "AVRET"
meaning "wife" and/or "woman". 

When we rearrange slightly the Greek name "ERMAPHRODITOS" as
"ER MI APHROD-TOS" ("Er mi avrat iduz?"), then we see that it is an
Eastern Anatolian Turkish (Azerbaijan Turkish) question.  This Turkish
question is asking: "Are you man or woman?" It is saying that "you are
showing the characteristics of both man and woman;  which one are
you?".  This is exactly what the so-called English word HERMAPHRODITE
and Greek word ERMAPHRODITOS are all about.  As all so-called "linguists"
can see, this is a pure anagram of a pure Turkish sentence and it has
been stolen in broad daylight.  I am hoping that someone will have
the courage to come forward and admit it.

After having said all of this, we now come back to the Roman goddess
name Venus.

4. The Roman version of INANNA and APHRODITE is VENUS.

a) In the daily life context, "VENUS", when rearranged as "ESUN-V"
where V = U, is an anagram of Turkish expression "EShUN-U" (Eshun O)
meaning "it is your mate" i.e., "it is your wife".  In this case,
Turkish Sh has been anagrammatized into S.  Similarly Turkish U
has been anagrammatized into V.

b) In the mythological context, "VENUS", again when rearranged as
"ESUN-V" where V = U, is an anagram of Turkish expression "IShUN-U"
(Ishun O) meaning "It is light".  In this context, she is likened to the
bright morning or evening star "Venus" indicating that she is the
personification of "light" again.   Of course even the light from Venus
is our Sun's light coming to earth by way of reflection from Venus.

Evidently, this was the understanding of ancient people with respect
to so-called "goddesses".  All of these names of ancient goddesses
which represent "wife", "mother" and the personification of sunlight
have used Turkish as the source language.  In other words, when
these names were coined, the common language spoken by all was

Those who do not know these revelations would be in no position to
enlighten others, and surely would only be groping in the dark in
trying to explain what they see on the surface of these ancient names.

NOTE to John:
I saw your questions and I will answer you but right now I am a bit
tight timewise.

Best wishes to all,

Polat Kaya

July 30, 2003
"Biz Cevirmenlere N'oluyor!" bilgi toplulugu, allingus Profesyonel Yabanci Dil Cozumleri Ltd. Sti.'nin bir girisimidir.

Kurulus Bildirisini 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/b_c_n_2003/ bolgesinde okuyabilirsiniz.  Mayis 2001

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