----- Özgün İleti -----
Kimden: H.M. Hubey
Kime: b_c_n_2003@yahoogroups.com
Gönderme tarihi: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 1:44 AM
Konu: Re: [bcn_2003] Fw: [Nostratica] Re: goddesses

These are not bad because they are not anagrams. They look like the derivations of many
words which are allegedly Iranian. However... please see below

Polat Kaya wrote:
Dear Friends,

1) The Hurrian "Hannahannah" meaning "Grandmother" is nothing
all meaning "mother's mother" which is "grandmother" even in present
day Turkish. Of course as a Goddess, she would be the first Mother
of all living beings, i.e., the creator mother. Hence she is also
"HAN ANA-ANA" meaning "Goddess Grandmother" in Turkish.

The ancient Turkic peoples had great respect for their ancestors.
It is clear that when Hurrians lived in the second and first millenium
B.C. in Eastern Anatolia and Mesopotamia, and used  "Hannahannah"
meaning "Grandmother", Turkish was there and it was their language.

2) John said:

"Hannahannah meant "Grandmother" in Hurrian.  In this case she was
frequently called "The Mother of All Living" - a title also of the
Sumerian Goddess Ninhursag.  *Athtar is linked to PIE *ister (for
English star), and seems to have been another word with Nostratic

Polat Kaya:  Sumerian NINHURSAG would be the Turkish "NINE HURI SAG"
meaning "The grandmother of living women".  I have said many times
in this forum that Sumerian is alive in Turkish.
Huri is Arabid, no?  let's see nine=grandmother, sag=alive, that leaves huri=women.
Is that supposed to be cognate of Turkic kari?  That would then make it cognate with
katin (th>dh>r) which is possible.

Additionally, what John calls "PIE *ister (for English star)" is actually
from Turkish IShITIR meaning a) "It is light" i.e., what the English
call STAR, and b) "It lights up" like what the Sun does.  In other words,
the actual source is Turkish - not the hypothetical language so-called
This is not too far off because Akkadian has ISHITU (fire?) which is easily linked to light and
hence to star.  But if we were to take it more seriously I'd have to say that the -tir is not "it is".
It would be from -tith > -tidh> -tir like -tith> tiw =tu.  That is OK since this morphology exists
even today in KBal e.g. keliw/keluw vs Turkish gelish.

Turkish "BABA" is from the ancient Turkish word "APA-APA" meaning
"father's father" (i.e., grandfather) which reduced in time to "PAPA"
and then to "BABA".  The name "PAPA" for "POPE" also comes from
this Turkish word "PAPA" (BABA). The TUR/TURK Etruscans used
"APA" for "father".
Baba is Arabic but Turkic has ata, atta, appa, akka, etc for father.  It also has words like
akay, eke, eket, egech etc for relatives including sister, brother etc.  I already related these to
Akkadian ehatu, ehassu, Luwin negash etc via *nekathu(m). All of these including words like
katin (woman), kari  can be derived from it.

Best wishes to all,

Polat Kaya

July 28, 2003

Mark Hubey
"Biz Cevirmenlere N'oluyor!" bilgi toplulugu, allingus Profesyonel Yabanci Dil Cozumleri Ltd. Sti.'nin bir girisimidir.

Kurulus Bildirisini 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/b_c_n_2003/ bolgesinde okuyabilirsiniz.  Mayis 2001

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