PK: The good book dictionary says about the word "ENCRYPT" as follows:

PK: ENCRYPT. Put a message into code; to put (computer data) into a coded
form; to distort (a television or other signal) so that it cannot be
understood without the appropriate decryption equipment. --ENCRYPTED
adjective, ENCRYPTION noun. [from Greek "KRYPTEIN" hide.]

First of all I want to show that the English "ENCRYPT" is actually an
anagram of the so-called Greek word "KRYPTEIN" to hide. This becomes
obvious when "EN" of "ENCRYPT" is moved to the end of the word. Then we
have: "CRYPTEN" versus Greek "KRYPTEIN". As a linguist, Mark Newbrook
should be able to recognize this, that is, if he would care to examine
these words. When the dictionary says that the word "encrypt" is from
greek "kryptein" they do not indicate how it was done. Now I will
complete the missing information in the dictionary etymology of
English encrypt: ENCRYPT, from Greek KRYPTEIN by way of taking the EIN
suffix and simply moving it to the front and dropping I. Also the
Greek K is replaced with C yet it is pronounced as K. This way, not
only has the Greek word been changed in format but also the visual
connection has been disrupted because ENCRYPT does not look similar

JRW: And I suppose you reckon the Greeks started the disguising by
substituting 'Y' for 'I' - Greek <y> shows every sign of having originally
been pronounced [u], and Greek <u> gave rise to Latin <u>; it was only after
the Romans started borrowing Greek words that it was reborrowed as <y>. Cf.
the change of Latin long <u> to French <u>, pronounced [y].

PK: In other words, English ENCRYPT is an anagram of Greek
KRYPTEIN. The "anagrammatizer" who manufactured "encrypt" from
the Greek word can then say with impunity that "it is from Greek
"kryptein" meaning "to hide". But they will not say that they
anagrammatized the Greek word - even though that is what they did.

PK: Perhaps Mark Newbrook can see this. But what he may not see or does
not want to question is the Greek word "KRYPTEIN". The "Greek" word
itself is an anagram of Turkish phrase "KIRIP ETIN" (kirip edin,
kirin, seklini degistirin, taninmaz hale getirin) all meaning "make it
broken", " make it disfigured", "make it unrecognizable", etc. When
something is broken, its original state is "encrypted" in its present
state. Drop a vase on the ground and break it, then you will know
what I mean. The broken vase can still be put together in order to
see what it looked like. Encryption does not lose the original source.

PK: Thus it is crystal clear that the Greeks did anagrammatize this word
"KRYPTEIN" from Turkish "KIRIP ETIN".

JRW: Very clever. You are, I trust, aware that Greek is an inflected
language, and that '-ein' is actually the infinitive ending use by most
Greek verbs. In the present tense, you have
endings -o:, -eis, -ei; -omen, -ete, -ousi. The imperfect has similar
endings. There is a perfect tense, _kekrupha_, again with inflected
endings, an aorist _ekrupsa_ (infinitive _krupsai_), a future krupso:, a
passive aorist ekruphthe:n. There is an alternative present tense
_kruphein_. There is a related masculine noun _kruphos_ 'concealment,
obscurity'. This is all quite a typical family of forms for a Greek verb.
The root of all these forms is _kruph_.

JRW: However, it is far more likely that 'encrypt' is derived from the
verbal adjective _kruptos_ hidden, the source of English 'crypt'. The
prefix 'en-' with a sense of make occurs in English, chiefly from Latin, but
with the same sense in a few words (e.g. enthusiasm) of wholly Greek origin.
Therefore I am quite unsurprised if a dictionary hesitates to say whether
the prefix is of Latin or Greek origin. The prefix 'de-', meaning to undo
an action, as in 'decrypt', is of Latin origin.

PK: Additionally, there is the noun form of the word, that is,
"ENCRYPTION". Now I say, the "TION" at the end of the word is a
concoction. It is not really a suffix although it appears to be one.
The word "ENCRYPTION" is an anagram of Turkish phrase "KIRIP ETIN ONU"
meaning "let someone make it broken". In this case, the Turkish
phrase has been rearranged into "ENCRYPTION" and the final "U" has
been dropped. Mark Newbrook may have difficulty in seeing this
because a) he probably does not know Turkish and its culture and
b) even if he did, he would not recognize it because he is preconditioned
by the books that he has read, by the historical linguistics that he has
learned and by the writings of other people who may have been
equally influenced and conditioned by their own predecessors.

JRW: The verbal noun 'encryption' has been formed on a Latin model. The
'-ion' has *nothing* to do with Greek!

Therefore we can add:

c) The frequent pattern in English of a verb in -t and verbal noun in -tion,
such as 'connect' and 'connection' and 'corrupt' and 'corruption'. (There
is also the very common pattern of '-ate' and '-ation', with variants '-ete'
and '-etion' and '-se' and '-sion'.(

PK: Now I will show you another example, the English word "ATONE" having
the synonyms of: "beg pardon", "ask forgiveness", "offer an apology",
"express regret", "make apology for", etc.. Yet ATONE is an anagram of
Turkish UTAN meaning "be ashamed", "be regretful", "apologise".
Another form of ATONE is ATONEMENT which is an anagram of Turkish
"UTANMA ETIN" meaning "be ashamed of yourself", "express regret",
"say that you are sorry", "make reconciliation", etc.. Linguists are not
in a position to deny this.

JRW: This is as sound as most of your analyses. Of course, I prefer to
believe the derivation given in Onions:

"_atone_ /&toun/ 'reconcile, appease'. XVI (once XV 'be reconciled'). Back
formation from _atonement_ (XVI, More, Tindale) f. phr. _at one_ 'in
harmony' (XIII) + -_ment_, after medL. _adu:na:mentum (VIII), f. _adu:na:re_
'unite', and earlier _onement_ (in Wycl. Bible tr. L. _u:nio:_ 'union'), as
used in _make an onement_ 'be reconciled', _set at onement_ 'reconcile'.
The pronunc. /oun/ of -_one_ is as in _alone_ and _only_."
