----- Original Message -----
From: "Geraldine Reinhardt" <waluk@...>
To: <Nostratica@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Nostratica] Proto-Celtic

> OK wise one. If a proto-Celtic spoke proto-Celtic and a Nostratic spoke Nostratic, would a proto-Celtic and Nostratic be able to converse?

No. They couldn't have met without a time machine, and, had one been available, the system of Proto-Nostratic would have changed beyond recognition by the time it became Proto-Celtic (a few millennia later). They would have been very different from each other, and completely incomprehensible to each other's speakers.

> If so, which language would they be speaking? A proto-Celtic-Nostratic?

What's the point of this question? People who can't speak or understand each other's language will typically resort to expressive gestures :)
