Miguel Carrasquer wrote:

> On Sun, 09 Feb 2003 19:37:54 -0500, "H.M. Hubey"
> <hubeyh@...> wrote:
> >I checked a small Russian dictionary but I cannot find it. There must be
> >someone out
> >there fluent in Russian. Is there a word "ar" having to do with area, or
> >area measure
> >in Russian? Thank you.
> <Ar> = 100 m2 = English <are>. From French <are>, of course (metric
> system).
> Perhaps you're looking for <arshín>, a measure of length (0,71m) <
> Turkic ars^In.

No, you found the right word.

I found the corresponding Turkic words.

*ar > o"z (Clauson),
and then both forms of: aran, and o"zen. So *ar must have also existed.

The version with /l/ also exist; alan, alang, etc

M. Hubey
The only difference between humans and machines is that humans
can be created by unskilled labor. Arthur C. Clarke

/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/ http://www.csam.montclair.edu/~hubey