--- In Nostratica@yahoogroups.com, "vel_murugan99
<vel_murugan99@...>" <vel_murugan99@...> wrote:
> Please comment on the contents of the following link that claims a
> concordance between Dravididan and Basque, in its 'lexico-
> analysis'.
> http://www.islandnet.com/~edonon/dravidia.htm

If the concordance has any genuine connection with Antonio Tovar, it
will be a typographical error or misreading of something like 5.0%!
Using the data at www.rosettaproject.org , I did a quick comparison
of the first Basque and Tamil 100-word lists I found. Only 12 items
seemed worth taking a second look at, and that was being charitable.

Isn't the claim that A. Tovar found such a high concordance a libel?
