I simply abhore George Bernard Shaw. He's simply a tragedy.
--- In, "John <jdcroft@...>"
<jdcroft@...> wrote:
> Gerry asked
> > And is the English flag called the Cross of St.
> > George or has it subsequently also been labeled the Union Jack?
> > After all, England is a member of the United Kingdom, isn't it?
> > Methinks even history is ajumble.
> Gerry the Cross of St George is only used to represent England. It
> is flown in Scotland, only when England is being represented, and
> is not in any way a flag of the Union of the United Kingdom. It
> would be like the Flag of Texas being flown in Arkansas to
> Texas there. The Flag of Texas also is in no way called "Old
> History is only a jumble, unfortunately to people who have very
> little. Given the current world state, perhaps we could remember
> Hegel's dictum of how for the historically ignorant that `history
> always repeats itself' Karl Marx sardonically added the
> observation, `the first time as tragedy, the second time as
> In the context of the Persian Gulf today it might be apposite to
> suggest a further variation: that history always repeats itself
> first time as tragedy, the second time as even greater tragedy. Or
> perhaps given the stupidity about to be unleashed there, "We learn
> from history that we learn nothing from history
" - George Bernard
> Shaw.
> Regards
> John