----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Wordingham
To: nostratic@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 3:36 AM
Subject: [nostratic] Austronesian-Nostratic Connections

When gLeN pointed us to a Canadian site on Tagalog, my first though
was that it matched a brief description of Semitic triliteralism far
better than the Semitic languages do!  This confirms that Proto-
Austronesian is a feral Semitic-based con-lang :)

It would be nice to hook up Austronesian and Nostratic, but, although
it might resolve the place of Japanese (Altaic?, Austro-Tai?), I
suspect that is getting rather proto-Worldian.  (The same's been said
of including Afro-Asian in Nostratic.)  What are the feelings of the
long rangers?  I don't think it is favourable - see
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nostratic/message/173 and
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nostratic/message/674 .

Please also look at message 675:
I do think we are approaching a proto-World.


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