On Mon, 03 Dec 2001 02:55:38, "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01@...>

>And that's only by ASSUMING that the *-bh- element is actually the
>adjectival ending... since you have yet to explain why it's not
>from *-bhyom (case ending featuring *-óm , genitive plural)

There is no *-bhyom. Period.

>>In any case, *bhr-ó-/*bhr-é- is a (syllabic) verbal stem, just as
>>much as *h1é-bhr-, or *bhé-bhr-.
>You still have trouble with the concept of "syllable", I see.
>The thematic is not part of the verbal stem

Yes it is. That's what thematic _means_.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal