Now that I'm in the beautiful city of Vancouver, I can take a short
jaunt to the downtown public library where there are a cornucopia
of excellent resources that pitiful Miguel apparently lacks in his
own country.

It took me all of two minutes to snag a rather heavy and
comprehensive Aleut dictionary. In there, sure enough, we find
the entry "tx/t(i)-" and it is referred to as a _pronominal base_
to form all the pronouns of Aleut such as the 1ps /ti-ng/ and
the pronoun /txi-n/ which is not only the 2ps pronoun but the
3psRef as well. The endings are identical connected to t(x)i-
are entirely identical to the actual pronominal endings and there
is no contraversy whatsoever regarding the origin of these words.
Comparative data further shows that EskimoAleut, in general, is
in the habit of creating pronouns in this manner (cf. ProtoEskimo
*uva-Na "I (am here), *uva-kut "we (are here)" < *uvva "here"
and *&lvit "you (are)" from *&t- "to be", the latter pronoun being
akin to Aleut /imin, imis/ "to you").

So you're completely dillusional, Miguel. Please reexamine your
misguided views on EskimoAleut.

- love gLeN

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