On Sun, 25 Nov 2001 12:20:17 -0000, "Knut" <aquila_grande@...>

>My hypotesis that the thematic wovel arose during the zero-grade
>periode in nouns having permanent stress on the second root-wovel,
>explains many of these facts.
>For those nouns, the zero-grade process originally produced a lot of
>homonymity in the case endings. (For example nom.sg, nom.pl, gen.sg,
>abk.sg all just having the ending -s).

The only valid one is nom.sg. = gen.sg.

>In order to repair these
>defaults, analogies were introdused partly from the athematic
>declension, and partly from the pronominal declension.

In every language I've ever studied (e.g. Basque and Slavic), whenever
a certain class of nouns and/or adjectives shows pronominal-like
endings, it's because historically a demonstrative pronoun *was*
affixed to the nominal root (as a definite article). I can't imagine
Proto-Indo-European being any different.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal