On Sat, 24 Nov 2001 05:38:22 -0000, "Knut" <aquila_grande@...>

>As far as I know, definite ajectives in Germanic, is marked by an
>en/on-exstention of the stem, not e/o.

Ditto in Tocharian.

>Glens explanation for the thematic wovels in verbs, I think make a
>lot of sense.

To make a lot of sense, a theory about the thematic vowel should
explain in detail the peculiar behaviour of the PIE thematic vowel,

- why it is nearly always resistant to zero grade (and why it seems to
have -i- as zero grade when it isn't).
- why it has a peculiar ablaut pattern, found nowhere else in PIE
phonology (to wit, -o- before voiced segments, -e- before voiceless or
- why the thematic declension differs substantially from all the other
nominal declensions, and in particular, why it shows a number of
parallels with the pronominal declension.
- why the thematic vowel is sometimes added to a nominal or verbal
stem in zero grade (*wlkW-os, tudáti verbs), sometimes to a gun.a root
(*bhér-e- type), and sometimes to a root in o-grade or lengthened
- why the same element performs such different functions in nouns and
adjectives (deverbatives, denominatives) and verbs (thematic
indicative, subjunctive), and what may have been the original common

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal