Well I finally ordered the
Bomhard book; I should have it in my grubby hands in a few weeks. I plan
to devote some of my homepage to Nostratic and general "linguistics for
dummies", as well as how it relates to my fictional projects, conlangs,
I've also looked at the text
data for both cybalist and nostratic.
Right now I'm just asking
what everybody's opinions are on the relationship of Inuit-Aleut and
Chukchi-Kamchatkan are: 1) to each other, 2) to Nostratic, 3) specifically to
Uralic or any other Nostratic family, 4) to Dene-Caucasian or Ainu or whatever,
if not Nostratic.
Starostin has some
reconstructed Chukchi-Kamchatkan roots on his Tower of Babel website. Is
there a reconstructed Proto-Eskimo-Aleut?