This is entirely fanciful. There is no PIE *reibH- 'rib'. At best, there is a regional (northern) term for "rib" shared by Slavic (*reb-ro-) and Germanic (*rib-ja-), but the common source of these could only be reconstructed as *rebH-. To connect any such form directly with Old Egyptian using semantic prestidigitation is to abuse the normal comparative procedures.
----- Original Message -----
From: proto-language
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: [nostratic] An online Afro-Asiatic database

Patrick wrote:

A quick example: the sign used to write 'month' is currently transcribed 3b. Actually, it is **3jb, and this corresponds to IE *reibh-, 'rib'. The connection is the waxing lunar crescent, of course.