What other Nostratic list?  Isn't this list the Nostratic list...

Also, you said Bomhard had a six vowel system when he actually has three phonemic vowels (six reflecting pairs of allophones for each), which you also have, so why did you criticize him for his vowels?
~ d ~
----- Original Message -----
From: proto-language
To: LIST-Nostratic (2)
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 5:16 PM
Subject: [nostratic] BOMHARD'S "RESPONSE"

Dear Nostraticists:
Bomhard's response to my critique of his work appeared recently on the other Nostratic list. It was:
" My reaction to Pat Ryan's alleged critique of my Nostratic dictionary is that it simply contains too many factual errors, misrepresentations, and misunderstandings to merit a detailed rebuttal."
I thgink this is proof positive that even Bomhard knows by now that his entire work is so hopelessly flawed that it cannot be rationally defended.
Whatever the value of my critique, it is a critique! And Bomhard's used of "alleged" show the coarse insensitivity that he has consistently demonstrated in sorting through the semantics of the Nostratic roots of his dictionary.
Bomhard has never studied any language formally, I believe, and this shows --- painfully!