>Actually, it was *t-t-, not *t-r- in the protolanguage, as I have
> >explained before. The -r- results from t-voicing in _some_ daughter
> >languages.

If I recall, Tagalog, the official language of Winnipeg :), has /tadlo/ for
"three" with a medial -d-. What was the Austronesian reconstruction again? I
would have presumed *taDu where *D = /d./ like in Indian languages. If I
recall it's *Dua for "two" (Tagalog /dalawa/).
pAN d'apres Blust :
1    *esa
2    *duSa
3    *telu
4    *Sepat
Ceci dit, dans certaines langues ont a bien une retroflexes (*duSa > paiwan drusa), mais le *d du pAN correspond a dj, dr ou z en paiwan, du a des emprunts avec les langues du coins comme le Puyuma.