Hrafns 12D -- Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 14330
Date: 2019-01-28

Loftr kom eftir jólin vestr á Mýrar í Dýrafjörð at ráði Sighvats Sturlusonar ok Eyjólfs Þorsteinssonar. 

Loftr came later at Yule west to Myrar in Dyrafiord at the advice of Sighvat Sturluson and Eyjolf Thorsteinson.    

Ok er Þorvaldr frá, at Loftr var kominn á Mýrar, safnaði hann liði ok fór á Mýrar með fjölmenni. 

And when Thorvaldr heard that Loftr had come to Myrar, the gathered a body of men and went to Myrar with many people.

Til þeirar farar spurðu vinir Lofts, ok söfnuðu þeir liði ok kómu á Mýrar, þá er Þorvaldr var kominn þar, ok leituðu um sáttir á milli þeira Þorvalds ok Lofts. 

Loft's friends found out about their journey, and they gathered a body of men and arrived at Myrar when Thorvaldr had come there, and they tried to effect peace between Thorvaldr and Loftr.

Ok fyrir því at Þorvaldr sá, at Loftr hafði þar fleiri fulltingsmenn, þá sættist hann við Loft ok fór í brott síðan. 

And previously because Thorvaldr saw that Loftr had there several helpers, then he came to terms with Loftr and then went away.

Ok er hann var í brott, treystist Loftr eigi at vera á Mýrum, því at honum þótti einskis örvænt fyrir Þorvaldi um tiltektir. 

And when he was away, Loftr didn't dare to stay at Myrar, because it seemed to him anything might be expected from Thorvaldr concerning his doings.

Loftr fór þá til Hrafns á Eyri ok bað, at hann skyldi taka við honum, kvað Sighvat hafa sent honum orð til ásjá við sik, en í þann tíð var Sighvatr mikill vinr Hrafns. 

Loftr then went to Hrafn at Eyr and asked that he should receive him, said Sigvat has sent him word of aid with himself, and in that time Sighvatr was a great friend of Hrafn's.

Nú fyrir því at Hrafni var leitt at kveða nei við þeim, er hans þurftu, þá varð þat, at hann tók við Lofti. 

Now previously because to Hrafn was disliked to reply to to them, when they stood in need of him, then it was that, that he received Loftr.

Um þat sannar Guðbrandr:

Concerning that Gudmandr asserts:

   Betr vill ægis otra

Better will the sea (otra?)

   oft, tók Hrafn við Lofti,

often, Hrafn received Loftr,

   raun sannar þat, rennir

a true trial that, you would prevent

   ráðgjarn hafa en aðrir.[16]

has ambitious than others.


Ok er Þorvaldr frá, at Hrafn hafði tekit við Lofti, þá mislíkaði honum við Hrafn sín tiltekja fyrir óþykktar sakir þeirar, er milli þeira Lofts váru. 

And when Thorvaldr heard that Hrafn had received Loftr, then he was himself displeased with Hrafn('s) misdoings for the sake of their discord, which was between Loftr and others.

Eftir þat sendi Þorvaldr Hrafni orð, at hann skyldi koma til fundar við hann í Dýrafirði á þann bæ, er á Granda hét. 

After that Thorvaldr sent Hfran word that he should come to a meeting with him in Dyrafirth at the farm which was called "to Granda." 

Þangat kom Hrafn við inn þriðja mann fyrr en Þorvaldr ok beið hans inni. 

Hrafn came to that place with two men before Thorvaldr also asked him indoors.

Ok er Þorvaldr kom, við marga menn, þá sendi hann orð Hrafni, at hann skyldi út ganga. 

And when Thorvaldr arrived with many men, then he sent Hrafn word that he should go out (of the area).

Þá gekk Hrafn út ok hans förunautar, Tómas Þórarinsson ok Sturla Bárðarson.

Then Hrafn and his companions, Tomas Thorarinson and Sturla Bardarson, went out (of the area).

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