From: Alan Thompson
Message: 14231
Date: 2018-07-10
Here's my translation.
Posting early as from tomorrow will be away for next 5 weeks.
(A) Sviðr braut sinni öðru
sundr menbroti grundar,
brast glymfjöturr Gestils,
garðr, fyr knarrar barði,
áðr veðrlostinn vestan
veggöndur framir seggir,
meðr stigu glatt af græði
grund, við Nóreg bundu
(B) Sviðr menbroti braut öðru sinni grundar garð sundr.
<The> wise (<sviðr> = <svinnr>, Z2) man for a second time broke asunder <the> enclosure of <the> earth (ie sea? so he ploughed the sea?).
Gestils glymfjöturr brast fyrir barði knarrar, áðr framir seggir bundu veðrlostinn veggöndur vestan við Nóreg.
<The> splashing-shackles of Gestill (a sea-god) (ie sea, waves) crashed before <the> prow of <the> ship, before bold men bound <the> weather-beaten ship? (Can´t find <veggöndur> referenced anywhere) from-<the>-west (ie east) to <the coast of> Norway.
Meðr stigu glatt grund af græði:
Men trod gladly <the> green-earth from malice:
(C) Hinn vitri höfðingi sigldi yfir hafið í annað sinn.
That wise chief sailed over the-sea for a second time.
Særinn brast fyrir stefni skipsins, áður en hinir hraustu garpar bundu skip sitt, veðurbarið í utanförinni, við Noreg.
The sea crashed before the-ship’s prow, before those-other doughty bold-ones (plural) bound their ship, wind-borne in the-journey-abroad, to <the coast of> Norway.
Menn gengu glaðir á land af sjónum.
Persons (men) went (on foot), glad, on to land (ie ashore) from the-sea.
Þann vetr var Hrafn í Nóregi, ok at vári fór hann vestr til Englands ok sótti heim inn helga Tómas erkibyskup í Kantarabergi ok færði inum helga Tómasi tennar, ok varði þar fé sínu til musteris ok fal sik undir þeira bænir.
That winter Hrafn was (ie stayed) in Norway and towards spring he journeyed west to England and visited (soekja e-n heim>, under <heim>, adv) the holy Archbishop Tómas in Canterbury and conveyed <the> (walrus) tusks to the holy Tómas, and there expended (laid out, <verja>, Z.ii.4) his money towards a temple and entrusted himself to (lit: under) their requests (ie put himself at their disposal, cf <leggja undir sik>).
Þetta sannar Guðmundr Svertingsson:
Guðmundr Svertingr’s-son affirms this:
(A) Getk þess, es gekk at lúta
geðfastr inum helgasta
bölhnekkjandi af blakki
blás vandar Tómási.
Sökrennir bjó sína
suðr drengiligr lengra
för, sem fyrðar heyra,
fæti sál at bæta.
(B) Getk þess, es geðfastr bölhnekkjandi gekk af blakki blás vandar at lúta inum helgasta Tómási.
I mention that, that <the> firm-of-mind one-thwarting-misfortune went (on foot) from <the> dun-coloured-horse of <the> black wand (= mast, <vöndr>) (ie ship) to bow (in homage) to the most-holy Tómas.
Drengiligr sökrennir bjó för sína lengra suðr fæti at bæta sál, sem fyrðar heyra.
<The> brave battle-flight causer (ie warrior <sök> is apparently poet. for <battle>; or crime (guilt)-flight-causer, ie see <sök>, Z1) made-ready for his journey further south, by foot (dat of fótr) to better <his> soul, as men hear.
(C) Eg get þess, að hinn staðfasti andstæðingur hins illa gekk af skipi til þess að sýna heilögum Tómasi lotningu.
I mention (<geta>, Z.ii.2) that, that the steadfast adversary of-the-evil (one) went (on foot) from <the> ship to that <end> (ie in order) to show reverence to holy Tómas.
Hinn drengilegi mótstöðumaður syndanna bjó för sína lengra suður fótgangandi sér til sálubótar, svo sem menn mega heyra.
The brave adversary of the-sins (plural, 7 deadly…?) made-ready for his journey further south going-on-foot for soul-bettering, such as people may hear.
Þaðan fór hann suðr um haf ok sótti heim inn helga Egidium í Ilansborg, ok er hann kom þar, þá minntist hann þess, er mælt er af alþýðu, at guð veiti hverjum manni, þeim er kemr til Egidium, eina bæn, þá er maðr vildi helzt biðja, af verðleikum Egidii.
From-there he journeyed south across <the> sea and visited (soekja e-n heim>, under <heim>, adv) the holy Ægidius (St Giles or St Gilles, fr) in Ilansborg (Abbey of Saint-Gilles-du gard), and when he came there, he remembered that, which is spoken of people-in-general, that God grants to each person, those who come to Egidius (St Giles), one request (boen), that which a person would want most to ask, of (from) the worthy Egidius (Sant Giles) (if <verðleikr> is an adj here (although not in Z or CV); or <from Egidius according to merit, if verðleikr> is a noun, as per CV).
Þá bað Hrafn þess guð almáttkan, at af verðleikum Egidii skyldi hvárki fjárhlutr né þessa heims virðing svá veitast honum, at þeir hlutir hnekkti fyrir honum fagnaði himinríkis dýrðar.
Then Hrafn asked God almighty for that, that of (from) the worthy (see previous note) Ægidius (St Giles) neither property (worldly goods) nor this world’s (ie worldly) honour should be-granted to him, that for him those things prevented <the> joy of <the> glory of <the> heavenly-kingdom.
Ok þat hyggjum vér, at Kristr veitti honum þetta, því at Hrafn hafði nær alla hluti til þess, at hann mætti mikill höfðingi sýnast, en engi var sá orðrómr á af alþýðu manna hér á landi um hans virðing, sem oss sýndist hann til vinna, því at vér sjám nakkvara menn, þá er meiri virðing hafa af alþýðu, er minna unnu til virðingarinnar.
And we believe that, that Christ granted to him this, because Hrafn had nearly all things to that <end> (in order) that he might seem a great chief (leader), but that public-opinion was nothing to <it> from people-in-general of people here in <the> land concerning his honour, which he seemed to us to earn, because we see some people, those who have more honour from people-in-general, who worked less towards honour.
Síðan fór Hrafn vestr til Jakobs, sem Guðmundr segir:
After that Hrafn journeyed west to Jacob, as Guðmundr says.
(A) Ferð kom fleina rýrir
fram, jókeyris glamma
lýðr sá storma stríða
stund, til Jákobs fundar.
(B) Fleina rýrir kom ferð fram til fundar Jákobs.
<The> diminisher of darts (spoiler of shafts, spears arrows, ie warrior) brought <the> journey forward to a meeting of Jákob
Lýðr glamma jóreyks sá stríða storma stund:
Men of <the> din of dust-clouds (ie men of battle, warriors) saw strong storms for a while:
(C) Hermaðurinn komst alla leið á fund Jakobs.
The-warrior made-his-way all <the> way to a meeting of (ie to see) Jácob
Menn sæfarans hrepptu ákafa storma langa stund.
Persons (men) of sea-faring endure (lit: caught) fierce storms for a long while.
Þaðan fór hann til Rómaborgar ok fal líf sitt á hendi guðs postulum ok öðrum helgum mönnum.
From-there he journeyed to <the> city of Rome, and entrusted his life into the hands of God’s apostles and other holy people (men)
Síðan fór hann sunnan frá Rómi ok varði fé sínu til helgra dóma, þar sem hann kom.
After-that he journeyed from the south (ie north) from Rome and expended (laid out) his money towards holy relics (<dómr>, Z5), wherever he came..