Einn göltr var stærstr af svínunum.
A boar was (the) largest (?) of the swine.
Hann sótti mest at Stíganda.
It attached Stigandi the most.
Hjálmr lagði spjóti til Stígandi ok var þat allt í einu at göltrinn greip í kálfan á honum.
Hjalmr thrust a spear at Stigandi, and it was all in the same (moment) that the boar seized his calf.
Þá fell Stígandi ok dró göltrinn hann ofan fyrir holinn.
Then Stigandi fell and dragged the boar down over the hill.
Þeystust þá öll tröllin út úr holnum ok létu öll heimsliga.
Then all the trolls dashed out from the hill and played the fool. (Z. heimsliga = heimskliga = láta heimskliga = to play the fool)
Í þessu kom Knútr fram úr skóginum með nauta flokkinn.
At that moment, Knutr came out from the woods with the herd of cattle.
Sneri hann þá at tröllunum ok lét hann þá ganga kylfuna.
He then turned to the trolls and he then let go the club.
Hjálmr sneri þá at honum ok lagði til hans.
Hjalmr then turned to him and thrust at him.
Þá var við mörgu at sjá.
Then (there) was with (that) much to see.
Stígandi var þá á fætr kominn.
Stigandi had then come to (his) feet.
Hljóp hann þá at baki Hjálmi ok krækti sviðunni fram yfir hann ok kom í augat ok kipti honum at sér.
He then ran to Hjlamr's back and hooked his cutlass foward over him and it landed on his eyes and he pulled him to himself.
En kesjan kom í rist Knúti.
But the halberd landed on Knutri's instep.
Ok hljóp niðr í gegnum í jörðina ok var þat sár mikit.
And it ran down through into the the earch and it was a large wound.
Hann lagði þá kylfuna á nasir Hjálmi ok brotnaði þá allr haussinn, ok varð þat hans bani.
He then thrust the club at Hjlamr's nose, and it then broke all his skull, and that became his death.
Svínin sóttu at Stíganda.
The swine attacked Stigandi.
En hann var svá vakr á skóm sínum at þau gátu honum eigi náð.
But he was so alert to his shoes (??) that they weren't able to reach him.
Hann krækti at sér tröllin ok kipti þeim undir höggin.
He hooked to himself the trolls and pulled them under the gaps.
En Knútr veitti þeim skjótan dauða.
And Knutr immediately gave them death.
Þá var sól í suðri er þeir höfðu drepit tröllin öll.
Then (the) sun was in the south when they had killed all the trolls.
Ok váru þeir þá bæði stirðir ok móðir.
And they were then both stiff and weary.
Dreifðu þeir þá yfir svínin moldu þeirri er í var posa kerlingar.
They then sprinkled over the swine their earth which was in the old woman's small bag.
Ok váru þau þá þegar hogvær.
And they were then at once calm of mind.
Síðan bjuggust þeir til ferðar.
They they prepared to travel.
Gyltan in magra var svá mögur at hon gat eigi gengit ok varð þeim trafali at henni.
The lean young sow was so thin that it wasn't able to walk, and they were burdened with it.
Ok tók Stígandi hana ok bar hana á baki sér.
And Stigandi took it and carried it on his back.
Svínin váru mjök bagræk.
The swine were very difficult to drive.
Ok bað Knútr þá at Stígandi skyldi fara seinna eptir á með svínin—“En ek mun flýta mér í móts við Hörð fóstbróður minn.”
And Knutr then asked that Stigandi should slowly follow after with the swine--"But I will hasten myself to meet with my foster-brother Hordr.
Nú er at segja frá Hörð.
Now it is to tell about Hordr.
Þá er þeir Knútr skildust gekk hann til hellis dyranna.
When they, Knutr (and he), parted company, he went to the door of the cave.
Þar váru inni sextigir trölla.
Inside there were 60 trolls.
Eigi vildi Hörðr glettast við þau á meðan þau sváfu.
Hordr didn't want to provoke them while they slept.
Litlu síðar sá hann ganga mann fram úr skóginum.
A little later he saw a man go out of the woods.