Sigrgardr 13 B + 14 A - - Grace's translation

From: Grace Hatton
Message: 14149
Date: 2018-03-17

Sorry to be so late with this. The email only came in this morning.

Knútr breif kylfuna ok keyrði á nasir orminum.
Knutr grasped the club and thrust it at the serpent’s nose.

En hann dró nökkvann í kaf með sér, en Knútr hljóp á bak drekanum ok spenti um hálsinn.
and he drew the stoneboat into the water with him, but Knutr leaped on the dragon’s back and clasped (it) about the neck.

Ok fóru þeir svá þangat til at skammt var til lands.
And they went thus thither until a little way from land.

Tók hann þá í posa kerlingar ok sáði yfir drekan, ok varð hann þá svá máttdreginn at hann sökk í vatnit.
He took that in the old woman’s pouch and scattered it over the dragon and it became then so weak that it sank in the water.

En Knútr lagðist þá til lands.
And Knutr swam? to land then.

Var hann þá bæði stirðr ok móðr.
He was then both stiff and tired.

En sér at eigi gjörist setuefni.
And sees that it is no place to relax.

Vill nú flýta sér til fóstbræðra sinna.
(He) wants not to get himself to his fosterbrothers.

Rekr nú saman nautin.
(He) drives the cattle together.

Eru þau mjög bagræk, en þó kemr hann um síðir til Stíganda fóstbróður síns.
They were very hard to drive, but still he comes at last to Stigandi, his foster brother.

Nú er at segja frá Stíganda at þá er þeir skildu Hörðr, settist hann fyrir dyr hólsins.
Now is to tell of Stigandi, that then when they parted, Hordr,set himself before the door to the hill.

En er hann hafði eigi lengi þar verit þá kemr svínahirðirinn heim fram úr skóginum.
And when he had not been there for long, then comes the swineherd home from out of the forest.

Þat var Hjálmr bróðir Hlégerðar.
It was Hjalmr, Hlegerdar’s brother.

Hann gekk þar fyrst at sem gyltan lá sú in magra.
He went there first to where the gilt lay, the thin sow.

Hann gaf henni mikit vandarhögg, en hon gat tregliga upp staðit.
He gave her a great flogging, and she got up on her feet with difficulty.

Síðan reisir hann upp svínin ok rekr þau upp at hólnum.
Afterwards he got the pigs up and drove them up to the hill.

Stígandi var þar fyrir.
Stigandi was there before (him).

Þá mælti Hjálmr til hans: “Illu heilli ok óþörfu sjálfum þér, komtu hér: Mikla dirfð ætlar þú þér, at þú ætlar at reka svínin úr höndum mér.”
Then Hjalmr spoke to him, “Bad luck and unnecessary to? you yourself, coming here. Much boldness you expect of yourself, that you expect to drive the pigs out of my hands.”

“Eigi dugir ófreistat,” sagði Stígandi.
“Untestedness doesn’t serve,” said Stigandi.

Hjálmr hafði atgeir í hendi ok hjó til Stíganda, en hann laust af sér lagit.
He had helmet and spear in hand and hewed at Stigandi, but it loosed off of him?

Í því opnaðist haugrinn.
At that the mound opened.

Stígandi krækti svíðunni til Hjálms ok kippti honum áfram ok fell hann inn í glugginn.
Stigandi hooked the cutlass at Halmr and pulled him forward and he fell in to the window.

Í hauginum váru fjór tigir trölla.
In the mound were forty trolls.

Sóttu þau nú út úr hauginum ok Hjálmr með þeim.
They tried to get out now from the mound and Hjalmr with them.

Stígandi varði dyrnar vel ok hraustliga.
Stigandi defended the door well and valiantly.

Fekk hann þá mörg sár ok stór.
He suffered many and serious wounds then.

Opt krækti hann tröllin með svíðunni ok kastaði þeim inn í hauginn.
Oftn he hooked the trolls with the cutlass and cast them in into the mound.

Svínin tóku at sækja at honum, en hann vill þeim eigi vánt gjöra.
The boy began to attack him, but he leads them astray not to do the customary??

Gekk þessi sókn allan daginn ok alla nóttina eptir.
This attack goes on all day and all night afterwards.

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