Þeir fóru nú eptir blóðdrefjunum þangat til sem þeir komu at hömrum nökkurum. 

They now followed the trail of blood to that place to where they arrived at some precipices.

Þeir váru brattir ok hávir ok svá sléttir at eigi mátti klífa. 

They were steep and high and so smooth that (they) could not be climbed.

Þeir báðu Stíganda forvitnast á fjallit. 

They asked Stigandi to enquire about the mountain.

Hann rann upp bergit ok kastaði þá skónum ofan til þeira ok renna þeir báðir bergit á skónum. 

He ran up the cliff and then threw his shoes down at them, and they both run (up) the cliff with the shoes.

Síðan ganga þeir um fjallit. 

Then they go up across the mountain.

En er þeir höfðu lengi geingit fundu þeir dal einn fyrir sér. 

And when they had gone (a) long way, they encountered a valley before them.

Þar váru sléttirvellir. 

Flat-fields where there.

Þar sjá þeir níu tigi hrossa, ok var þar með einn hestr furðuliga fagr ok grár at lit. 

They saw 90 horses there, and one exceedingly beautiful and gray in color horse was there with them.

Eitt flókafolald sá þeir. 

They saw a shaggy foal.

Þat var at öllu skripiligt. 

It was all monstrous.

Hrossin öll lömdu þat ok óþægðu. 

All the horses beat and troubled it.

Hestrinn lagði þat í eineltu. 

The stallion set off that in the singling out.

Þótti þeim gaman at horfa á þetta.

It seemed to them a game to turn to this.

Þeir sáu helli stóran. 

They saw a large cave.

Þá mælti Knútr: “Hér muntu Hörðr eptir dveljast þó at mér þiki mikit fyrir at skilja við þik. 

Then Knutr said: "Here, Hordr, will you stay back, though to me it didn't seem much further to separate with you.

En nú er tími svá stuttr at vantækt er á hvárt vér náum heim stefnudeginum, þó at oss beri eigi til tafa. 

But now time is so short at (vantækt?) which whether we reach home on the day of summons, although it doesn't bear us to a delay.

En geym þú hellisdyr þessar þangat til sem ek kem aptr, því at þar liggr líf várt allra við ef nökkut tröll kemst út ór hellinum.” 

But mind the this door of the cave, until that time when I return, because all our lives lie there (in danger) if some troll comes out of the cave."

Síðan skilja þeir.

Then they part.

Fara þeir Stígandi ok Knútr í burtu þangat til sem þeir koma at hólum nökkurum. 

Sigandi and Knutr go away until when they arrive at some hill.

Þar sjá þeir svín mörg, ok váru þau þá komin í svefn. 

There they say many pigs, and they had then entered sleep.

Eina gyltu sáu þeir liggja undir hamri einum. 

They saw a young sow lying under a precipice.

Hana sugu tveir grísir. 

She suckled two young pigs.

Hon var svá mögr at hon gat varla risit. 

She was so lean that she scarcely could get up.

En þegar at aðrir grísir fóru frá henni þá fóru aðrir til hennar at sjúga hana. 

And/but at once when other pigs went from her, then others went to her to suckle (from) her.

Knútr gekk at háli einum ok mælti til Stíganda: “Hér munt þú eptir verða, ok bíða mín þangat til at þrjár sólir eru af himni. 

Knutr went to a (háli?) alone and spoke to Stigandi: "Here you would be left, and wait for me until there are three days have passed.   (Z. sól 2: áðr sjau sólir eru af himni, before seven days have passed)

En ef ek kem þá eigi aptr þá þarf eigi mín at vænta. 

And/but if I don't come back, then you don't need to wait for me.

En ekki skaltu við svínin eiga fyrr enn úr kulit er um mína komu. 

And/but you shall not by the pigs have before yet out of the breeze which mine came.  (??)

Ok muntu þó ærit eiga at vinna.

And yet you will have enough to do.