Sigrgardr 10 B + 11 A - - Grace's translation

From: Grace Hatton
Message: 14118
Date: 2018-02-06

Þrim nóttum síðar kallaði meykonungrinn Knút til sín.

Three nights later the maiden king called Knutr to her.

Hon mælti þá til hans, “sendiferð hef ek þér hugað.”
She spoke to him then, “I have thought of a mission for you.”

“Hvárt skal ek fara?” segir hann.
“Where shall I go?”, says he.

“Þú skalt sækja uxa mina.
“You shall find my oxen.

Þeir eru hundrað saman, ok koma þeim heilum ok ómeiddum til mín sumarsdaginn fyrsta.
They are one hundred altogether, and bring them safe and uninjured to me on the first summer’s day.

Horn þat sem fram stendr ór hausi einum þeira skaltu taka ok færa mér fult af gulli.
You shall take that horn which stands out of the front of the skull of one of them and bring (it) to me full of gold.

Á þínum veg er eitt vatn.
On your way is a certain lake.

Þar er í einn hólmr, þar á ek í eggvarp nökkut.
There is on (it) a certain island, there upon I have something of an egg gathering place.

Þau skaltu týna.
You shall destroy them.

Þar liggr líf þitt á ef þú færir mér þau ei öll óbrotin, ok ef þú skilr nökkut eptir.”
Your life depends on (it) if you bring me them not? all unbroken, and if you explain something afterwards.” (not sure if she wants all the eggs unbroken or all the eggs broken???)

“Hvert á þeira at vænta?” segir hann.
“What have (I) to expect of them?” says he.

“Ei mundir þú mik at spyrja,” segir hon, “ef þér þætti eptirlæti í at fara.
“You will not question me,” says she, “if you think to go indulgently

Ok eigi mundi Sigrgarðr torfelt hafa þessa för.”
and Sigrgardr will not have this journey ??”

“Minnst þú vel á þat,” segir hann.
“Keep that well in mind,” says he.

“Þegi vanmenna,” segir hon.
“Shut up, worthless man,” says she.

Var hon þá reiðulig at sjá.
She was then angry to see.

Hann sneri þegar í burtu ok bjóst þegar at fara sína sendiferð.
He turns away at once and readied himself to go on his mission.

Ok hafði með sér sex menn sína.
And (he) had six of his men with him.

En aðrir váru eptir hjá því sem þeir áttu.
And others were after near which they had.???

Knútr fór nú leið sína.
Knut went on his way.

Ferr hann margan ókunnigan stig.
He traveled many unknown paths.

Eitt kveld koma þeir at einu sæluhúsi.
One evening they came to a certain hospice.

Þat var timbrhús.
It was a log? house.

Þeir komu þar snemma um kveldit.
They came there early during the evening.

Bjuggust þeir þar um.
They encamped there.

Hann sendi þrjá eptir eldiviði en tvá menn at sækja vatn.
He sent three for firewood and two men to look for water.

Þótti honum þeir seinir aptr.
It seemed to him they (were) slow (to come) back.

Fór hann síðan at vitja þeira, ok fann hann dauða hvártveggju.
He went afterwards to look for them, and he found both (groups) dead.

Ok váru aðrir snaraðir úr hálsliðinum.
And some had (necks) twisted out of the neck joint.

En af öðrum váru bitin höfuðin.
and others were bitten on the head.

Ferr hann nú heim aptr í sæluhúsit.
He goes now back home to the hospice.

En er hann kom þar þá váru þar fyrir þrír menn.
But when he came there, there were three men in front (of it).

Þeir váru féhirðar meykonungsins.
They were the maiden king’s herders.

Einn hét Kampi, annar Skeggi, þriði hét Toppr.
One was named Kampi, the second Skeggi, the third named Toppr.

Þeir váru illvirkjar miklir ok drápu þeir menn.
They were very evil doers and they killed men.

En færðu meykonunginum fé þeira.
But (they) brought the maiden king their livestock.

Þeir sóttu þegar at Knúti allir er þeir sjá hann.
They attacked Knutr at once, all those who see him.?

váru þeir bæði sterkir ok stórhöggvir.
They were both strong and dealing heavy blows.

Aldri þóttist hann í viðrlíka raun ok mannhættu komit hafa.
He never thought himself to have come in a similar trial and risk of life.

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