From: rob13567
Message: 14083
Date: 2017-12-26
Tókst þá bardagi ok stóð hann með mikilli mannhættu.
The fight began, and he stood with great danger of life.
Sigrgarðr réð tvísvar til uppgöngu, en Jógrímr skít-í-andliti varði svá sterkliga stafnin at hann stakk hann hvártveggja sinni aptr á sitt skip.
Sigrgardr twice made an ascent, but feces-in-the-face Jogrimr defended the prow so strong that he stabbed him both (ways) back to his ship. (Z. ráða 16: r. til uppgöngu, to make an ascent)
Velstígandi kom þá at, ok krækti með króksviðunni í kjaptinn á Jógrími, ok kippti honum ór stafninum.
Velstigandi then came at (Jogrimr), and with (his) bill hooked Jogrimr in the jow, and pulled him over the prow.
Sigrgarðr var þá nærri staddr ok hjó á háls Jógrími ok tók af höfuðit ok fekk hann þegar bana.
Sigrgardr was then situated near(by), and hacked at Jogrimr's neck, and took of his head, and he (Jogrimr) immediately got (i.e., "was") dead.
Þeir Hörðr ok Sigrgarðr hlupu þá báðir senn á skip Knúts, ok gekk með sínu borði hvárr, ok drápu margan mann.
Hordr and Sigrgardr then both leapt at the same time to Knut's ship, and each went aboard, and they slew many a man.
Gráboli sneri í móti Herði, ok sló til hans með gaddakylfu, en Hörðr beygði undir kenginn; kom á krippuna ok var fast við ok varð Grábola laus kylfan.
Graboli turned against Hordr, and struck at him with his spiked-club, but Hordr bent under the crook; it landed on the (krippuna?) and it was firmly (stuck) against, and Grabola got his club loose. (Z. lauss 1: verða l., to get loose)
Þá veifði Gráboli hornunum, ok vildi stinga Hörð með því horninu sem ór enninu stóð.
Then Graboli swung his horns, and wanted to stab Hordr with the horns which stood out of his forehead.
Hörðr greip í hornit svá at brotnaði af honum.
Hordr seized the horn so that it broke off him.
Gráboli vildi þá ljósta hann með því horninu sem ór vanganum stóð, en hann brá við stjelnum.
Graboli then wanted to strike him with the horn which out from his cheek, but he warded it off with his (stjelnum?).
Hornit sökk allt upp at hausinum.
The horn sunk completely up to his skull.
Hörðr vingsaði dausnum, ok vatt Grábola fyrir borð.
Hordr swung round his rump, and turned Graboli overboard. (C.V. vingsa = to swing round) (C.V. dauss II = the rump (of cattle))
Gráboli kipti honum fyrir borð með sér.
Graboli pulled him overboard with him.
Stígandi sá þat ok stökk fyrir borð ok krækti krókshyrnunni undir kjálkann á Grábola.
Stigandi saw that and leapt overboard and hooked the hook of his axe-head under the jawbone of Graboli.
Ei tók Stíganda meir sjórinn enn jafngegnt vörpum.
It didn't take Stigandi more to the sea than just opposite to a net.
Hann tók þá snæri ok renndi at hálsi Grábola, ok hengdi hann við kollarðinn á skipi sínu, en dró Hörð upp í skipit.
He then took the cord and turned (i.e., wound) Groboli's neck and hanged him by the cleats of his ship, and drew Hordr up to the ship. (C.V. kolla III)
Gengu þeir nú á skip Knúts ok ruddust um fast.
They now went on Knut's ship and firmly cleared their way.