Tala þau nú um kaupskap.
They talk now about the wares.

Þeim kemr þat saman at hann skal sýna henni einnisaman gripina en þeira menn séu nálægir þeggja hvárn veg sem þeira kaupskapr tækist.
It came together with them that he shall show the treasures only to her and their men shall be concealed nearby whichever way their merchant wares should take.

Kemr nú morginn.
Now morning (or the next day) comes.

Berr Jónas á land sína góðgripi, ok leggr niðr á klæðit it góða.
Jonas carries his good treasures ashore and lies down on a cloak, the good one.

Kallar síðan á meykonunginn.
(He) calls afterwards to the maiden king.

Hon gengr nú uppá klæðit ok sér gripina.
She goes now up on the cloak and sees the treasures.

Hon biðr hann á leggja verð gripina en hann segir þá ei fala vera nema fyrir sjálfrar hennar blíðu.
She asks him to set a price on the treasures, but he declares them not to be for sale unless for her own pleasure.

“Um megin er þat einum kaupmanni at taka mik undir hönd sér.”
“Regarding power? is that one merchant to take me in his hand”

Hann stendr þá ok les stafina, þá sem á klæðinu váru.
He stands then and drops the staff, that which the cloaks were on.

Jungfrúin sér þat ok hleypr á hann ok hrindr honum svá hart at hann kom fallinn á jörðina, en klæðit var þá komit langt í lopt upp.
The princess sees it and leaps towards him and pushes him so hard that he fell to the ground, but the clothing was then far up in the air.

Skildi hon náttúru klæðisins.
She discerned the natural clothing.

Hon mælti þá, “haf góða nótt Sigrgarðr ok þökk fyrir góða gripi, ok fær mér slíka marga.”
She spoke then, “Have a good night, Sigargardr, and thanks for the good treasures and bring me more of such.”

Skildu þau nú við svá búit ok sigldi Sigrgarðr heim aptr.
They parted now as matters stood and Sigrgardr sailed back home.

Kemr Sigrgarðr heim aptr ok þykir hans ferð litlu betri enn áðr.
Sigrgardr comes back home and he thinks the journey little better than before.

Bíðr hann nú föður sinn fá sér lið, ok vill hann hefna sinnar svívirðingar.
He asks his father now to give him a force and he will avenge his dishonors.

Hann kvað honum liðit skyldu til reiðu svá mikit sem hann vildi.
He told him the force should be granted as large as he wished.

Samnaði hann nú liði miklu, svá hann hafði fengit fimm tigi skipa skipuð með góðum drengjum, en áðr enn hann sigldi, finnr hann Gustólf fóstra sinn ok Gerði konu hans, ok segir þeim til sinna vandræða ok bað þau leggja honum nökkur heilræði at hann geti hefnt sín á meykonunginum.
He assembled now a great army, so he had got fifty ships equipped with good crews, but before he sailed, he finds Gustolfr, his foster-son, and Gerdr, his wife, and tells them his difficulties and asked them to give him some wise counsel that he is able to avenge himself on the maiden king.

Gerðr segir at þat væri mikil gæfuraun at fást við hana ok kveðst vita at henni væri ekki sjálfrátt um sína illsku.
Gerdr says that it would be a great trial of luck to engage in with her and said of herself to know that it would not be her free will regarding her wickedness.

Ok kveðst hyggja hon mundi i ósköpum, ok bað hann heldr annarra ráða leita enn at herja í Tartaría.
And said of herself to think she would be? in a bad position? and bade him rather seek advice of another than to harry in Tartaria.

“Þvíat þar er margt fólk ok grimmt, ok er illt at spilla góðum drengjum, ef þó væri ei sinn ávinningrinn.”
“Because there are many people and dire, and it is evil to destroy good crews if yet were not his profit.”

Síðan töluðu þeir einmæli lengi.
Afterwards they spoke privately for a long time.