Here’s my translation.




En hon svarar, “víst hugða ek til meira um, ok þó hefi ek þat heyrt talat, at drukknum manni kynni margt til handa at bera þat at hann væri ei jafnrar náttúru sem þá er hann væri ódrukkinn, ok má þetta snart bætast ef þér er nökkur náttúra sköput, ok mun ek ei gefa þér þetta at skuld fyrst at sinni, en svá mun mér fara sem öðrum, at ek mun slíka luti ei þola lengi orðalaust.”
But (And) she answers, “Certainly, I looked forward to more (pleasure) (hyggja til e-s, Z5) concerning (it), and though I have heard said, that many (a one)(?) knows (kunna, subj) that to happen (bera til hands, Z.ii.3) to a drunken man, that he be not of the-same nature (virility) as when (þá er) he be un-drunk (ie sober), and this can soon be-restored if some nature (virility) is created in you (ie if you have any balls), and I will not give (ie assign) this to you as a debt (ie I won’t regard this as something you owe me) directly for the present, but (and) so (it) will go as for others (ie those in the same position), that I will not suffer such a thing (hlutr, presumably typo) for a long-time silently.

Líðr dagr þessi ok er jungfrúin in blíðasta. 
This day passes and the-princess is the most-glad.

Hon minntist opt við Sigrgarð um daginn, ok á meðal annarra hluta mælti hon svá til hans, “með hverju viltu yfir bæta þá ginning sem þú gjörðir mér í nótt? Þikjumst ek sæmda verð fyrir þat at ek þegi yfir skömm þinni.
She often kissed Sigrgarðr during the-day, and among other things she spoke thus to him, “with what (ie how) will you remedy that deception which you made on me last-night? I bethink-myself worthy (deserving) of redress (soemd, Z2) for that, that I kept-silent about your shame (skömm).

Þætti mér verða mega at þér yrði þetta optar þó at ek vágaði enn til við þik.”
(It) would seem to me to be able to happen (ie possible) that this would-happen to you more-often even-though I ventured yet (again) to (pleasure-seeking) with you.”

“Eigi veit ek þann hlut,” segir hann, “at mér muni þikja þér ofgóðr.”
“I know not that thing,” says he, “that will seem to me too-good for you.’

“Skjöld ok sverð sá ek hanga hjá merki yðru. 
“I saw a shield and sword to hang (dangling) by your standard. (an amusing image)

Þat váru góðir gripir. Þat skulu þér láta fylgja merkinu.”
That (lot) were good treasures. You shall cause that (lot) to accompany (ie add them to, fylgja, Z7) the-standard.”

Hann svarar, “Þessir hlutir eru í þínu valdi sem allir aðrir þeir sem ek á, þegar et okkart samþikki verðr.” 
He answers, “These things are in your power like all those others which I possess, as-soon-as (þegar er, typo) our agreement (like-mindedness) happens.

Sigrgarðr segist þat gjarna vilja. 
Sigrgarðr says-of-himself to want that (presumably the finalisation of the agreement) willingly.

Tóku þau nú at gleðjast ok allir aðrir.
They start now to be-glad (cheer up) and all others.

Líðr nú þessi dagr til kvölds, ok því næst koma þau til sinnar sængr, ok varast Sigrgarðr ofdrykkju, en þegar er hann kom í sæng þá bað hann sinn smásvein fá sér at drekka. 
Now this day passes towards evening, and in the-next (instant) (ie before you know it) they come to their beds, and Sigrgarðr was-on-his-guard against over-drinking, but as-soon-as he comes into bed then he bids his small-lad (young attendant) to get drinks for himself (fá at e-s, Z12)

Hann drakk til frúnni en hon drakk gjarna með honum ok fell svefnhöfgi á hana. 
He drank to the mistress and she drank willingly with him and a drowsiness fell on her.

Sigrgarðr bað þá alla menn í burtu ganga en hann hallaði sér á koddann. 
Sigrgarð bade then all persons (men) to go away but (and) he inclined himself onto the-pillow.

En þennan jungfrúinnar breiddi á klæðin upp yfir þau. 
But (And) the female-servant (þenna, from þjónna, presumably late fem form of þjónn, servant?) of the-princess drew the-(bed)-clothes over them (the lovers).

Þegar fell svefn á Sigrgarð ok sváfu þau bæði til dags.
At-once sleep fell on Sigrgarðr and they both slept until day.

Jungfrúin vaknaði þegar er haninn gól. 
The-princess awoke as-soon-as the-cock crowed.

Tekr snart til fata ok klæðir sig, en Sigrgarðr svaf þangat til at hans menn komu inn í herbergit, ok fréttu eptir hversu honum hefði sofist.
(She) soon takes to (ie gathers, resorts to, taka til e-s)(her) clothes (fat, Z3) and dresses herself, but (and) Sigrgarðr slept till that time that his people (men) came inside into the-bedroom, and enquired after how (it) had been-slept by him (ie how he had slept).