Re: Sigrgardr 4C / Alan's Translation

From: Patricia Francis-Wilson
Message: 14018
Date: 2017-10-04

Attachments :
I read the posts still - and ask that my best wishes be permitted to be seen by Brian - because I value extremely - his translations
Having said that - I greet Alan - who seems to be doing remarkably well and Grace, whom I recall is mustard on  translating
And also  as owning some sheep for their wool
How indeed are those  wool-producing Baa-Lambs Grace dear, since I know you and Alan best I take particular interest in your translations
That being said I send best regards to all and ask for you people to think kindly of me for although I do not subscribe translations I make good use o0f reading and studying -
Best thoughts Good wishes to all who post and participate
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/10/2017 23:51:29
Subject: [norse_course] Sigrgardr 4C / Alan's Translation

Here’s my translation

Get well soon, Brian - your dedication to the translations in such circumstances is truly remarkable.



Sigrgarðr settist í hásæti hjá meykonunginum. 
Sigrgarðr set-himelf (ie sat) in (the) high-seat by the-maiden-king,

Var þá gleði mikil. 
(There) was then great merriment.

Meykonungrinn gjörði sik blíða ok var málreitin við Sigrgarð. 
The-maiden-king made herself agreeable and was talkative with Sigrgarðr.

Hon spurði hvat at manni hann væri en hann sagði henni af it ljósasta, ok nefndi sik ok sinn föður. 
She asked what (sort) of a person (man) he was but (and) he declared to her in the most-open (manner) and named himself and his father.

Hon mælti, “þat er mér nú at sýn orðit sem ek hef áðr einart frétt til haft, ok þiki mér þat ei orðum aukit sem frá yðr er sagt um vöxt ok vænleik, ok vænti ek at svá munu eptir fara yðrar íþróttir, ok aðrir hlutir þeir sem yðr eru til sæmdar. 
She spoke, “that is now come to my sight (ie I have now seen that with my eyes) which I have already reliably heard, and that seems to me not exaggerated (lit: augmented in words) which is said about you (‘majestic plural’) regarding stature and bodily-beauty, and I hope that your feats will conform (lit: go back, fara eptir, Z18) thus (ie will match the hype), and those other things (lots, blessings?) which are granted to you (ie with which you have been endowed, soema, CV).

Eðr hvert hafi þér yðra ferð ætlat?”
So, whither have you intended your journey (to go)? (ie what brings you here?)”

“Í yðru lofi vil ek gjarna segja, bæði hvert ek hefi ætlat, ok svá hvert mitt erendi er, ek hefi spurt til yðvarar tígnar ok þyki mér mikils um vert, nú er ek hefi séð bæði vald yðvart ok ríki, ok hefir mér þat nökkut í hug komit at leita þeira mála við yðr at okkart samþykki mætti þá vera meir enn áðr, en ei vil ek þau orð opinberliga tala, sem þér mættuð styggjast við.”
“In your (‘majestic plural) praise I want eagerly to say, both whither I have intended (to go) (ie what brings me here) and also what my errand is, I have learned (spyrja, Z4) of your highness (presumably tign, not tígn) and (it) seems to me worthy of much (ie to be the real deal), now I have seen both your might and power, and that has come somewhat into my mind to seek those talks with you, and our accord (like-mindedness) might then be greater than before, but I want not to speak those words openly-in-public, which might cause-offence to you.”

“Skilja þykjumst ek,” sagði meykonungrinn, “málaleitan þína, eðr hefr þú ei spurn af því hversu þeim hefir afferðar orðið, er slíkra mála hafa leitað, ok séð enn nökkut merki til þess hér hjá minni borg?”
“I bethink-myself to understand,” said the-maiden-king, “your seeking-of-talks, so do you not have tidings (noun) of that, how (there) has happened (3 pers sg) executions (nom plural?) (typo for atferð?, Z4 or assaults, Z3, or proceedings?, Z1) for those, who have sought such talks, and (have you not) yet seen some sign (indication) of that here close-by my castle?

“Mér kemr þat í hug,” segir hann, “þó at nökkut hafi áfátt orðið um yðra hagi at þér munuð þat best til vara taka at venda aptr af því sem yður hefir yfirgefist.”
“That comes to my mind,” says he, “even-though something has become defective (amiss) concerning your affairs, that you will best take (ie adopt) that (course of action) by-way-of-precaution (vari) to turn back from (ie reject, give up) that which has been-done-wrong by you (ie that you will realise the error of your ways, e-m gefst e-t yfir, under gefa, Z8).

“Ekki hefir mér þat svá yfirgefist,” segir hon. 
“That has not been-done-wrong by me thus (I have not done anything wrong in this, e-m gefst e-t yfir, under gefa, Z8),” says she.

“Þeir einir hafa til orðið þessa mála at leita at oss hefr þótt lítilræði í, nökkut við at skylda, ok höfum vér svá viljað leiða lítilsháttar mönnum at spotta oss.” 
“They alone have felt-obliged to seek these talks, (such) that (it) has seemed a degradation to us (me, ‘majestic plural’) in (it) somewhat to deal (skylda?) with (them), and we (I, majestic plural) have thus wanted to make-it-loathsome for men of insignificance (háttr, Z4) to make-sport of us (me).

Sigrgarðr svarar at honum þikir þat várkunn “en þó lystir oss,” segir hann “at vita hver svör þér vilið oss gefa ef ek væri svá djarfr at ek leitaði þeira mála við yðr at þú yrðir mín eiginkona.”
Sigrgarðr answers that that seems to him a thing-to-be-excused “but (and) yet (it) is-desired by us (me ‘majestic plural’),” he says “to know what answer you want to give us (me) if I were so bold that I sought those talks with you that you would-become my own-wife.


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