Ok látum þá nú búast, en víkjum sögunni aftr til þeira kumpána, at þeir sigla,
And let (us) now prepare ourselves then and (we) turn the saga back to those companions, that they sail
þangat til at vegir skiljast ok annarr lá til Bjarmalands.
thither until the ways part and one lay by Bjarmaland.
Þá bað Bósi Herrauð sigla heim til Gautlands, en hann kvaðst eiga erendi til Bjarmalands.
Then Bosi bade Herraudr to sail home to Gautland and he said he had an errand in Bjarmaland.
Herrauðr segist eigi við hann skilja, - "eða hvat er í erendum þínum þangat?"
Herraudr said of himself not to (want to) part with him “ or what is your errand thither?”
Hann segir þat mundu síðar sýnast.
He says it will be seen later.
Smiðr bauð at bíða þeira fimm nætr.
Smidr offered to wait five nights for them.
Bósi sagði, at þeim mundi þat vel duga, ok fóru þeir nú á bátnum til lands tveir saman ok földu bátinn í leyni nokkuru, en þeir gengu til byggða, þar sem karl bjó ok kerling.
Bosi said that would suit them well and they went now on the boat to land, two together and concealed the boat in some hiding place and they went to where an old man and old woman lived.
Þau áttu dóttur væna.
They had a pretty daughter.
Þar var vel við þeim tekit ok gefit gott vín at drekka um kveldit.
They received a good welcome there and (were) given good wine to drink during the evening.
Bögu-Bósi leit hýrliga til bóndadóttur, en hún var mjök tileygð til hans á móti.
Bogu Bosi acts cheerily towards the farmer’s daughter, but she was very squinty-eyed towards him.
Litlu síðar fóru menn til svefns.
A little later people went to sleep.
Bósi kom til sængr bóndadóttur.
Bosi came to the farmer’s daughter’s bed.
Hún spyrr, hvat hann vill.
She asks what he wants.
Hann bað hana hólka stúfa sinn.
He bad her ring his stump.
Hún spyrr, hvar hólkrinn væri.
She asks where the stump might be.
Hann spurði, hvárt hún hefði engan.
He asked whether she had anything,
Hún sagðist engan hafa, þann sem honum væri hæfiligr.
She said she had nothing that to him would be useless.
"Ek get rýmt hann, þó at þröngr sé," sagði hann.
“I can make it roomier, even though it be tight,” said he.
"Hvar er stúfinn þinn?" sagði hún.
“Where is your stump?” said she.
"Ek get nærri, hvat ek má ætla hólkborunni minni."
“I get closer, what I may intend with my tree stump?.”
Hann bað hana taka á millum fóta sér.
He bad her take (it) between her legs.
Hún kippti at sér hendinni ok bað ófagnað eiga stúfa hans.
"Hverju þykkir þér þetta líkt?" sagði hann.
She quickly drew her hand back? and declared his stump (not) to be entitled to a welcome.”??
"Pundaraskafti föður míns ok sé brotin aftan af því kringlan."
“Pundaraskafti,(Proper name or thunderous disposition??) my father, and from behind the circle be broken from it.”??
"Tilfyndin ertu, " sagði Bögu-Bósi; hann dró gull af hendi sér ok gaf henni.
“You are fault-finding,” said Bogu Bosi; he drew a gold ring from his hand and gave it to her.
Hún spyrr, hvat hann vill á móti hafa.
She asks what he wants to have in return.
"Ek vil sponsa traus þína," sagði hann.
“I will ???????? your.” said he
"Ekki veit ek, hvernig þat er," segir hún.
“I don’t know what that is (and neither do I),” says she.
"Ligg þú sem breiðast," kvað han.
“You lie as wide as possible,” said he.
Hún gerði sem hann bað.
She did as he asked.
Hann ferr nú á millum fótanna á henni ok leggr síðan neðan í kviðinn á henni, svá at allt gekk upp undir bring- spölu.
He goes now between her legs and lies afterwards below in her womb so that all went up under the chest.??