Hann leiðir kvíguna á básinn, en leysir griðunginn.
He leads the heifer to the stall and frees the bull.
Hann hljóp upp á kvíguna.
He leaps up on the heifer.
Mosabelgrinn varð léttr fyrir, ok rak griddi höfuðit út á múrinn ok braut af
sér bæði hornin.
The moss (stuffed) hide was light (and collapsed?) because (of it) and drove
the bull’s head out to the wall and broke both horns off it.
Herrauðr greip þá í bæði eyrun á honum ok í granirnar ok snaraði hann svá ór
Herraudr seized then both his ear and lips and he turned thus out of the
neck joint.
Þá vaknaði gýgrin ok hljóp á fætr.
Then the hag awakened and leapt to her feet.
Í þessu kom Bósi inn í hofit ok bar þrælinn uppi yfir höfði sér á spjótinu.
At this Bosi came into the temple and carried the thrall up over him on the
Gammrinn brá nú við skjótt ok steypti sér ofan ór hreiðrinu ok vildi gleypa
þann, sem inn var kominn.
The vulture turned quickly at that and hurled itself down out of the nest
and wanted to swallow that one who had come in.
Svalg hann nú þrælinn ofan at mitti.
He swallowed the thrall now down halfway??
Bósi þrýsti þá spjótinu, svá at þat gekk upp í háls gamminum, þar til at
stóð í hjartanu.
Bosi thrust the spear then so that it went up in the vulture’s neck until it
stood in the heart.
Gammrinn setti nú klærnar í þjóin á þrælsskrokkinum ok setti vænghnúfana við
eyrat á Bósa, svá at hann fell í óvit.
The vulture set claws now in the thigh of the thrall’s body and set the
wings against Bosi’s ears so that he fell unconscious.
Fell gammrinn þá ok ofan á hann, ok váru hans fjörbrot ógurliga mikil.
He fell then and down upon the vulture and his (the vulture’s) death
struggles were very terrible.
Herrauðr réðst á móti hofgyðjunni, ok var þeira atgangr inn harðasti, ok
hafði kerling illa skornar negl, ok reif hún hold hans niðr at beini.
Herraudr came to blows against the temple priestess and their battle was the
hardest, and the old woman had evil notched nails and she tore his flesh
down at the legs.
Þau bárust þangat at, sem Bósi var fallinn, ok var þar blóðugt mjök.
They fought thither to where Bosi had fallen and it was very bloody there.
Kerlingu varð hált í gammsblóðinu, ok fell hún á bak aftr, ok váru þá
sviptingar miklar með þeim, svá at ýmsi váru undir.
The old woman became slippery with vulture blood and she fell backwards on
her back and then was much wrestling between them so that from time to time
one or the other was beneath.
Bósi raknaði þá við ok greip höfuð griðungsins ok rak á nasir gýginni.
Bosi came to himself at that and seized the bull’s head and drove it into
the hag’s nose.
Herrauðr sleit þá af henni höndina í axlarliðinum.
Then Herraudr cut off her arms at the shoulders.
Tók henni þá at dafna leikrinn, en í fjörbrotum hennar varð landskjálfti
It began then for her to thrive?? in the game and in her death struggle a
great earthquake happened.
Þeir gengu nú um hofit ok rannsökuðu þat.
They went now about the temple and ransacked it.
Í hreiðri gammsins fundu þeir eggit, ok var þat allt með gullstöfum ritat.
In the vulture’s nest they found the egg and it was written all over with
golden letters.
Þar fundu þeir gull svá mikit, at þeir höfðu nóg at bera.
There they found so much gold that they had all they could do to carry (it).
Þeir kómu at stalla þeim, sem Jómali sat á.
They came to that pedestal which Jomali sat on.
Af honum tóku þeir gullkórónu, setta með tólf gimsteinum, ok men þat, sem
kostaði þrjú hundruð marka gulls, ok ór knjám honum tóku þeir silfrbolla svá
stóran, at engir fjórir menn mundu af drekka.
From him they took a gold crown set with twelve gemstones and that necklace
that cost three hundred gold marks and out of his knees they took a silver
bowl so big that (it would take?) four med (to hold it up?) to drink from
Hann var fullr af rauðagulli.
He was full of red gold.