Eftir það riðu þeir Þórir í brott og er þeir voru skammt komnir sáu þeir þrjá menn ríða frá Bæ og var einn í blárri kápu. 

After that, Thorir and the others ride away, and when they had scarcely arrived, they saw three men riding from Bae (village/farm), and one was in a blue hooded-cloak.

Það var Hallur, Loðinn og Galti. 

That (person) was Hallr, (along with) Lodin and Galti.

Þórir keyrir þegar hestinn sporum er hann sá þá og ríður frá sínum mönnum. 

Thorir immediately puts spurs to his horse when he saw them and rides beyond (i.e., pulls ahead of) his men.

Hann gat farið þá hjá Steinólfsdal og varð þó eigi höggfæri við Hall. 

He was able overtake them by Steinolf's-dale  and yet didn't become in sword's reach by Hall.

Þórir skaut eftir honum spjóti og kom í söðulbogann og þegar í gegnum og svo í bak Halli. 

Thorir shot at him his spear, and it landed in the saddle-bow and at once in between and so in Hall's back.

Hann snarast við og kippti í brott spjótinu. 

He turned around and snatched away the spear.

Þá hjó Galti til Þóris en Hallur reið undan sem hann mátti. 

Then Galti hewed at Thoris, and Hallr rode away as he was able.

Þórir hljóp þá af baki og er svo sagt að hann hamaðist þá hið fyrsta sinn. 

Thorir then jumbed off the horse, and it is so said that he raged like a berserk then the first time.

Galti var og hamrammur og var þeirra atgangur hinn harðasti. 

Galti was also seized with warlike fury, and their fighting was the hardest.

Fór Galti þá undan en Þórir sótti eftir. 

Galti then went away, but Thorir pursued after (him).

Loðinn þóttist engan hlut að mega eiga og reið hann eftir Halli. 

It seemed to Lodin no part to be able to have, and he rode after Hallr.

En þar kom að Þórir bar af Galta. 

And there it came to pass that Thorir surpassed Galti.

Þar heitir nú Galtardalur.

At that place it is now called Galti's-dale.

Þá hljóp Þórir á hestinn og var mjög móður. 

Then Thorir jumped on his horse, and he was very weary.

Hann reið þá að leita Halls og fann hann örendan við túngarð á Hofstöðum. 

He then rode to look for Hall, and he found him dead by a fence of a homestead at Hof's-stead.

Hann hafði látist af sári því er Þórir hafði veitt honum og fallið þar af baki. 

He had died of (his) wounds because Thorir had hunted him down and (he had) fallen there from horseback.

Þórir fór til móts við félaga sína, riðu síðan heim vestur yfir Þorskafjörð. 

Thorir went to meet with his fellows, they then rode home west beyond Thorska-fiord (Cod-fiord).

Hann bauð Hyrning sætt eftir föður sinn en hann tók því vel. 

He asked Hyrning for a reconciliation in accordance with (?) his father, and he received it well.

Fór hann á Hofstaði og tók þar við búi og var hann beturfeðrungur. 

He went to Hof's-stead and received a farm there, and he was a man better than his father.

Var hann aldrei í mótgangi við Þóri.

He was never in opposition to Thorir.

19. kafli

Steinólfur sat í búi sínu og þóttist þungar fréttir hafa um fjörðinn. 

Steinolfr stayed on his farm, and it seemed to him oppressive news (he) has concerning the fiord.

Hann var svo var um sig að hann var aldrei fyrir vestan fjörð næturgestur. 

He was so concerned that he was never west of the fiord (as) a night-guest.

Hann setti annan mann fyrir búið í Bæ að annast þar um. 

He established one man into the farm in Bae who occupied himself there.    (Z. annast 3: a. um e-t, to be busy about, to occupy oneself with)

Þórir sat nú um kyrrt og var honum allmikill hugur á að finna Steinólf en þóttist eigi föng á hafa að sækja hann suður um fjörð fyrir liðsafla sakir.

Thorir now stayed quiet and it was a great desire for him to attack Steinolfr, but it didn't seem (there was) an opportunity to look for him south of the fiord for the sake of troops.