> Þórir sat í búi sínu og hafði fjölmenni mikið.

> Thorir stayed at his farm and (the farm) had many people.

> Thorir stayed in his farm and had a very great company.

Þóri stayed on his farm and had had a great many people.

> Kvikfé hans gekk mjög í landi Hrómundar í Gröf en þar
> fyrir var Þórir því vanur að hann gaf Hrómundi gelding
> hvert haust en lamb á vorum.

> His livestock succeeded greatly in Hromundr's land in
> Grof, and there previously Thorir was therefore accustomed
> that he gave Hromandr a gelding each fall and a lamb in
> the spring.

> His livestock often went into lands of Hromund in Grof,
> but for that Thorir was accustomed that he gave Hromund a
> wether every fall and a lamb in the spring.

His livestock went often [‘much’] onto the land of Hrómund
of Gröf, and for that reason Þóri was accustomed to giving
Hrómund a wether each fall and a lamb in the spring

> Það fé varð gamalt og gekk með mörkum Þóris.

> That sheep became old and it went with Thorir's mark.

> That animal became old and went with Thorir’s mark.

That livestock grew old and went with Þóri’s marks.

This appear to mean that the animals that Þóri gave to
Hrómund retained Þóri’s owner’s marks.

> Það var eitt haust að Þórir vandar um við rétt og varð
> þeim að orðum.

> It was one autumn that Thorir finds fault with the sheep
> gathering in the autumn and they came to words (I am
> guessing as to the meaning here). (Z. vanda 3: v. um e-t
> við e-n, to find fault with one for a thing, complain of)

> It was one fall that Thorir found fault with the sheep
> gathering and they came to words?

It was one fall that Þóri finds fault with the fall sheep
gathering, and it came to words between them.

> En er Vöflu-Gunnar heyrði orð þeirra hljóp hann upp að
> Hrómundi og hjó til hans og varð þegar að vígi.

> And when Volfu-Gunnar heard their words, he jumped up
> (and) attacked Hromundr, and hacked at him and there was
> immediately a fight. (Z. hlaupa 4: h. at e-m, h. á e-n, to
> attack one)

> And when Voflu-Gunnar heard their words he ran up to
> Hromundr and struck at him and immediately it came to
> blows.

And when Vöflu-Gunnar heard their words, he leaped up at
Hrómund and struck at him, and it came at once to a fight.

> Þessu varð Þórir svo reiður að hann rak Gunnar í brott og
> fór hann þá í Múla til þeirra Gríms.

> (At) this, Thorir became so angry that he drove Gunnar
> away, and he then went to Mula to the Grimms.

> At this Thorir became so angry that he drove Gunnar away
> and he went then to Mull to those Grims.

At this Þóri became so angry that he drove Gunnar away, and
then went to Múli to the home of Grím and others.

> En þeir gáfu honum bólstað í Þorskafjarðardal þar er nú
> heitir á Gunnarsstöðum og gerði þar bú en var stundum með
> Ketilbirni.

> And they gave him a farm in Thorskafjardardale
> (Cod's-firth's-valley), where it is now called
> Gunnar's-stead, and there became there a farm, and (he)
> stayed a while with Ketilbirn.

> And they gave him abode in Thorska fjord dale, there which
> is now named Gunnar’s steads and (he) built a farm there
> and was sometimes with Ketilbjorn.

And they gave him a homestead in Þorskafjarðardal at a place
that is now called ‘at Gunnarsstaðir’, and [he] set up a
farm there and was sometimes with Ketilbjörn.

> Þormóður hét maður norðlenskur.

> Thormodr was the name of a man from the north (of
> Iceland).

> Thormodr was the name of and northern man.

There was a northern man called Þormóð.

> Hann stökk norðan fyr víga sakir.

> He fled from the north on account of a slaying.

> He fled from the north for the sake of a slaying.

He fled from the north on account of a slaying.

> Hann kemur á Hjalla til Helga og skorar á hann til vistar.

> He arrives at Hjalla to Helgi and calls on him for
> lodging.

> He comes to Hjalli to Helgi and calls upon him to stay
> (with him).

He comes to Hjalli to Helgi and calls upon him for lodging.

> En Helgi játti að taka við honum ef hann sætti áverkum við
> Þóri ef hann kæmi í færi.

> And Helgi consented to receive him if he would reconcile
> the (matter of) the bodily injury with Thorir if he were
> to enter into an opportunity (i.e., "if he got a chance").

> And Helgi agreed to accept him if he settled the misdeed
> with Thorir if the opportunity arose.

And Helgi agreed to receive him if he settled with Þóri
concerning the bodily injury if got the opportunity.

> Þessu játar Þormóður.

> Thormodr agrees to this.

> Thormodr agrees to this.

Þormóð agrees to this.

> En það var litlu síðar er Þórir reið Kinnskæ hinum gamla
> yfir Þorskafjörð.

> And it was a little later when Thorir when Thorir rode
> Kinnskae the old over Thorskafiord.

> And it was a little later when Thorir rode Kinnskaer the
> older over Thorska fjord.

And it was a little later that Þóri rode Kinnskær
[‘White-cheek’] hinn gamall [‘the old’] across Þorskafjörð.

> Þormóður var við sétta mann og var fólginn í þangi þar er
> Þórir skyldi á land ríða.

> Thormodr was with six men and it was concealed in seaweed
> there where should ride on land. (??)

> Thormodr was with the seventh man and was following there
> to the point where Thorir should come ashore.

Þormóð was with six men and was hidden in seaweed where Þóri
should ride ashore.

> Og er hann reið af vaðlinum hljóp Þormóður upp og lagði
> til hans og kom lagið í síðu á hestinum og hljóp millum
> rifjanna.

> And when he rode out of the shallow water, Thormodr jumped
> up and stabbed at him and the blow landed on the side of
> the horse and it ran between the ribs.

> And when he rode from the shallow water Thormodr ran up
> and thrust at him and (the weapon?) became lodged in the
> side of the horse and (it) ran between the ribs.

And when he rode from the shallow water, Þormóð leaped up
and thrust at him, and the thrust landed on the horse’s side
and ran between the ribs.

> Þórir hljóp af baki hestinum en hesturinn ærðist og hljóp
> út á sjóinn.

> Thorir jumped off the horse's back, and the horse ran mad
> and ran out to the sea.

> Thorir leaped from the horse’s back, but the horse ran
> wild and ran out to sea.

Þóri leaped from the back of his horse, and the horse went
mad and ran out into the sea.

> Þórir brá sverði og hjó Þormóð banahögg.

> Thorir drew (his) sword and gave him his deathblow. (Z.
> höggva 1: h. e-n bana-högg, to give one his deathblow)

> Thorir drew his sword and hewed Thormodr the death blow.

Þóri drew [his] sword and struck Þormóð [his] death blow.

> Þá hlupu þeir Helgi ofan í fjöruna og skaut Þórir spjóti í
> gegnum þann er fyrstur fór.

> Then Helgi jumped down to the beach, and Thorir shot a
> spear into the one who was going first.

> Then they, Helgi and company, ran down to the beach and
> Thorir shot with a spear through that one who ran in
> front.

Then Helgi and his companions ran down to the beach, and
Þóri hurled a spear at the one who was running in front.

> En er þeir Helgi sáu að tveir eru fallnir, snýr þá síns
> vegar hver þeirra.

> And when Helgi saw that two had fallen, he then turns his
> way to each of them. (?)

> And when they, Helgi and company, saw that two had fallen,
> then each turns his own way.

And when Helgi and his companions saw that two had fallen,
each of them goes his own way.

> Þórir hljóp eftir Helga og elti hann út til Kálfár og vó
> hann undir Helgasteini út frá Hjöllum.

> Thorir ran after Helgi and pursued him out to Kalfar
> (cabbage-dangerous-illness??) and killed him below
> Helgastein, out beyond Hjollum.

> Thorir ran after Helgi and chased him out to Kalf River
> and slew him below Helgi’s stones out from Hjalli.

Þóri ran after Helgi and chased him out to Kálfá [‘Calf
River’] and slew him below Helgastein [‘Helgi’s Rock’] out
beyond Hjallar [‘Ledges’].

> Eftir það fór Þórir heim.

> After that Thorir went home.

> After that Thorir went home.

After that Þóri went home.

> Þar heitir nú Þormóðstangi er hann féll við sjóinn en
> Hesttangi þar er Kinnskær kom á land.

> It is now called Thormodstang
> (Thormud's-point-projecting-into-the-sea) there where he
> fell by the sea, and Hesttangi
> (Horse-point-projecting-into-the-sea) where Kinnskaer came
> to land.

> There it is called Thormod’s point now where he fell along
> the sea and Stallion point where Kinnskaer came ashore.

That place where he fell by the sea is now called
Þormóðstangi [‘Þormóð’s Point’], and Hesttangi [‘Stallion
Point’] where Kinnskær came ashore.
