Féll hann nú dauðr, en sá, sem eftir stóð, bað Hrana um líf. 

He (Gauti) now fell dead, but one, who remained (alive), asked Hrani for his life.

Var þat annarr þræll Gauta, sem fyrr var getit. 

That was another of Gauti's thralls, who previously was mentioned.

Var nú Hrani móðr mjök, en lítt sárr. 

Hrani was now a great man, and little wounded. (or "but a little wounded"?)

Hvílist hann nú um stund ok spyrr þrælinn, hvat títt var um fall Gauta.

He now rested a while and asks the thrall, what happened concerning Gauti's death.   (Z. tíðr 5)

6. kafli - Hrani fekkst við Nípu tröllkonu

Hrani Had to Contend with Nipu, a Female Troll

Litlu síðar kemr Helgi krókr með fjórða mann. 

A little later, Helgi "Hook" arrives with three men.

Hafði hann fregnat af smalamanni, at Hrani mundi liðs þurfa. 

He had been informed by a shepherd that Hrani would need assistance.

Varð nú fagnaðarfundr með þeim, ok sögðu menn, at þvílíkr maðr mundi eigi vera á þeim dögum þar nálægt sem Hrani at afli ok fimleik. 

There was now a joyful meeting between them, and men said that such a man would not be at those days there near as Hrani in physical strength and agility.

Var nú Kári eigi út af dauðr, ok hjó Hrani af honum höfuð. 

Kari was not out from dead ("still alive," I suppose), and Hrani struck him in the head.

Svo dysjuðu þeir Hróald galta ok fylgjara hans þar í einum hól, er síðan nefnist Galtahóll, fóru síðan heim til Helgastaða með viðarhlössin. 

So they burried Hroald "Hog" in a cairn and his followers there in a hill, which was since named Galti-hill, they then went home to Helgastad with the load of wood.

Ræmdist þetta víða um sveitir.

This was approved widely across the district.

Eigi er getit, at nein eftirmál yrði af falli Galta, þar hann átti eigi frændr mjök nána sér. 

It is not mentioned (?), that no action on behalf of a person slain came to pass from Galti's death, there he didn't have many close relatives for himself.

Þar með var hann ok óvinsæll mjök.

Besides, he was also very friendless.

Sat nú Hrani hjá Helga um hríð, ok bar eigi til tíðenda. 

Hrani now sat be Helgi a while, and didn't convey (any) news. (?)

Helgi var mesti búsýslumaðr. 

Helgi was a great husbandman.

Átti hann gott bú ok fé margt. 

He obtained a good farm and much livestock.

Hann hafði selstöðu sína fyrir austan Skjálfandafljót.

He had his shed-dwelling-place (?) east of Shivering-river.

Eitt sumar bar svo til, at smalamaðr kom eigi heim at selinu um morguninn, ok leið svo dagrinn ok nóttin.

One summer it so happened that (the) shepherd didn't come home to the shed during the morning, and and the day and the night led so.     (Z. bera II 3)

Nú láta griðkonur segja Helga, at smalamaðrinn sjáist hvergi, en fé hafi allt heim komit. 

Now (the) female servant causes to tell Helgi that the shepherd was seen nowhere, but (the) sheep have all come home.

Undrast nú menn yfir því, ok sendir nú Helgi tvo menn at leita hans. 

People are now astonished about that, and Helgi now sends two men to look for him.

Þeir fóru af stað ok leituðu fram til fjalla í þrjá daga ok fundu hann eigi, ok var svo hætt þessari leit ok settr annarr smali at gæta fjárins. 

They went from (the) place and went out to look for him on the mountain for three days and didn't find him, and this search was so dangerous and (they) appoint another shepherd to take care of the sheep.

Nú leið hálfr mánuðr til þess, at hann hvarf, ok var hans einnig leitat, ok fannst hann eigi heldr en inn fyrri. 

Now half a month led to this, that he disappeared, and his was in the same way looked for, and he was not found any more than the one before.

Stórum undrar Helga þetta, ok ætla menn þá trölltekna, ok vill nú engi verða til smalamennsku í þeirra stað, ok ferr svo, at Hrani býðst til þá um hríð. 

Helgi wonders greatly at this, and men think them taken by trolls (?), and now nobody wants to be ready to sheep-tending (?) in their place, and it went so, that Hrani offers to do this then for a while.

Nú ferr Hrani at smala, ok líðr hálfönnur vika, svo eigi berr neitt til tíðenda.

Hrani now went to shepherd (verb), and half a second week passes, so no news was reported.