Here’s my translation



4. kafli - Auðr á Gautlandi græddi Hrana
Chapter 4 – Auðr in Gautland healed (groeða, Z2) Hrani

Nú ríðr Hrani hringr at Mývatni til Þorsteins, frænda síns, í Reykjahlíð.
Now Hrani ‚Ring‘ rides to Mývatn to Þorsteinn, his kinsman, in Reykjahlíð. (Slope-of-Smoke/Steam).

Tók Þorsteinn honum vel ok spyrr tíðenda. Hrani sagði slíkt er til bar um vígin ok bað hann nú ásjár.
Þorsteinn received him well and asks for tidings. Hrani said such which happened (bera til, Z.ii.3) about the-slaying, and asked him now for help.

Sýndi Hrani Þorsteini sár sitt ok kvaðst heyrt hafa, at kona Gauta á Gautlandi væri inn bezti læknir.
Hrani showed Þorsteinn his wound and declared-of-himself to have heard, that (the) wife of Gauti in Gautland (Götaland) was the best physician.

"Vildi ek, at þú færir með mér þangat ok friðmæltumst við Gauta mín vegna um víg Sigfúsar."
“I would-want, that you journey with me thither and (that) we-sue-for-peace with Gauti on my behalf concerning (the) slaying of Sigfúss.”

Þorsteinn svarar: "Vel er þat, frændi, þó ek tali þínu máli við hann um sættir.
Þorsteinn answers: “That is well, kinsman, although (?) I talk to your case with him concerning settlements.

Hann er líka vinr minn ok góðr drengr, ef vel er leitat."
He is also my friend and a good hearted man, if (it, the matter?) is pursued well.”

Ok eftir þetta riðu þeir báðir at Gautlandi ok fundu Gauta í útiskemmu sinni.
And after this they both rode (past tense) to Gautland (Götaland) and find Gauti in his outlying-detached-house.

Hann heilsar þeim Þorsteini vel ok spyrr tíðenda.
He greets (hails) them Þorsteinn (and Hrani) well, and asks for tidings.

Þorsteinn mælti: "Erendi á ek við þik, Gauti, ok er þér þat at segja,
Þorsteinn spoke: I have business with you, Gauti, and that is to say to you,

at Sigfúss, heimamaðr þinn, er veginn af Hrana hring, frænda mínum."
that Sigfúss, your servant (one of your household), is slain by Hrani’Ring,’ my kinsman.”

Sagði Þorsteinn öll viðskipti þeirra ok kvaðst vilja koma á sættum mini Gauta ok Hrana, tekr nú upp fingrgull ok bað Gauta at þiggja.
Þorsteinn said (ie related) all their quarrel (hostile intercourse) and declared-of-himself to want to come into (ie reach) settlements between (typo for milli?) Gauti and Hrani, takes now up a gold-finger-ring and asked Gauti to accept (it).

Bónda leizt vel á hringinn, tók við ok mælti: "Illa tókst þetta til, því þó Sigfúss þætti ódæll við flesta,
(The) farmer/landowner/master was pleased with the ring (cf lítast, Z4), accepted (it) and spoke: “This turned-out badly because, although Sigfúss seemed overbearing against most (people),

reyndist hann mér trúr, en sökum vináttu okkar mun ek eigi til eftirmála sækja um vígit."
he proved-to-be faithful to me, but for-reasons of our friendship I will not seek an-action-on-behalf-of-a-person-slain-against-the-slayer concerning the-slaying.”

Þökkuðu þeir honum orð sín, ok sýndi Hrani Gauta sár sitt ok kvaðst heyrt hafa, at Auðr, kona hans, væri bezti læknir.
They thanked him for his (why reflexive pronoun?) words and Hrani showed Gauti his wounds and declared-of-himself to have heard, that Auðr, his wife, was (the) best physician.

"Vildi ek dvelja hjá þér um hríð," segir hann, "meðan hún gerði at sárinu."
“I would-want to stay near her for a while,” he says, “while she healed (göra at e-u, Z13) the-wound.”

Gauti lofaði því, ok varð Hrani eftir, en Þorsteinn fór heim í Reykjahlíð. Nú skoðar Auðr sárit, ok var þat mjök vont.
Gauti permitted (lofa, Z2) that, and Hrani became (ie stayed) behind, but Þorsteinn journeyed home to Reykjahlíð (Slope-of-steam/smoke), Now Auðr looked after the-wound, and that was very bad (vándr).

Var hann þar tvo mánuði til þess, at hann var nær fullgróinn, ok fór síðan heim aftr til föður síns.
He way there two months until he was nearly fully-healed, and (he) journeyed after that back home to his father.

Bar nú eigi framar til tíðenda at sinni.
(It) bore now nothing further of tidings (ie nothing further of note happened) for the present.