From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13444
Date: 2015-03-12
> 1. kafli - Frá Gnúpa-Bárði ok sonum hansOf Gnúpa-Bárð and his sons
> Concerning Gnupi-Bardr (Peak-Bardr) and His Son
> Chapter 1 – About Gnúpa-Bárðr (Bárðr of the Peaks) and his
> sons (plural).
> Bárðr hét maðr, sonr Heyangrs-Bjarnar hersis úr Sogni.There was a man called Bárð, son of Heyangrs-Björn, a local
> A man named Bardr (was) local-chief Heyangr-Bear's son
> from Sogni.
> (There) was a person (man) called Bárðr, son of
> Heyangrs-Björn, a local-chief out-of Sogn (District in
> Norway).
> Hann fór út til Íslands í landnámatíð ok nam BárðardalHe travelled out to Iceland in the Settlement period and
> allan frá Kálfborgará til Svartár beggja vegna.
> He travelled out to Iceland in the taking possession of
> the land as a settler and all from Kalfborgara
> (Calf-fortified-town-river) to Svartar (Black) on both
> sides.
> He journeyed out to Iceland in the-Period-of-Settlement
> (lit: Time of Land-Taking) and took (possession of) (nema)
> all Bárðardalr (Bárðr’s-Dale) from Kálfborgará
> (Calf-hillock´s-River) to Svartá (Black-River) on both
> sides.
> Hann bjó at Lundarbrekku.He dwelt at Lundarbrekka.
> He lived at Lundarbrekku (Temper-slope (?)).
> He lived at Lundarbrekka (Grove’s (lundr)-Slope).
> Hans synir vóru þeir Þorsteinn ok Sigmundr, Nefsteinn okHis sons were Þorstein and Sigmund, Nefstein and Egil.
> Egill.
> His sons were Thorstein and Sigmundr, Nefsteinn and Egil.
> Those were his sons: Þorsteinn and Sigmundr, Nefsteinn and
> Egill.
> Bárði þótti eigi viðra vel í dalnum ok eirði því ekki þarIt seemed to Bárð not to be good weather in the valley and
> til lengdar.
> It didn't seem to Bardr that it was good weather in the
> valley, and it didn't agree with him there for a long
> time.
> (It) seemed to Bárðr (to be) not well of weather (viðri)
> (ie not a good climate) in the-dale and (it) did not spare
> (ease?) there for a long time.
> Eitt vor sendi hann syni sína suðr yfir heiðar atOne spring he sent his sons south across the heaths to
> forvitnast, hversu þar félli út veðráttufar.
> One spring he sent his sons south across (the) heath to
> enquire how (the) weather ran out there.
> One spring he sent his sons south over (the) heaths
> (plural) to enquire about how (the) state-of-the-weather
> (wind) happened (lit: fell out) there.
> Var þat um gói.That was during Gói.
> It was during mid February to mid March.
> That was during Gói (Feb-March)
> Kómu þeir aftr at hálfs mánaðar fresti ok létu vel afThey came back at the end of half a month and spoke well of
> landi.
> They came back at a half month's delay and reported well
> about (the) land.
> They came back after a half month´s delay and expressed
> approval (?) (cf láta vel yfir e-u) of (the) land.
> Fundu þeir þá góubitla ok annan gróðr.At that time they found rough horsetail(?) and other
> They then found (góubitla) and other crops. (Not sure
> about this. "gróðr" = crops, but that's the nominative
> form, and I would expect the object form here. "Góubitla"
> is a word that apparently appears only in this saga. If
> gróðr = crops, then góubitla must be a specific crop.
> However, I am not sure what crops people would be finding
> in Iceland near the end of February!)
> They found then rough-horsetail (From the context I think
> this must be Gói-beytlar, CV, a plant: equisetum vernum
> hyemale
> ) and other growth (ie vegetation).
> Annat vor tók Bárðr sik upp með allan sinn varnað ok fórThe next spring Bárð set out with his entire household and
> suðr Vonarskarð, þar nú heitir Bárðargata.
> The next spring, Bardr move himself with all his household
> people and went south (to) Vonarskard
> (Hope-mountain-pass), there (where) it is now called
> Bardargata (Bardr's road).
> (The) next spring Bárðr took himself up and all his goods
> (household) and journeyed south (to) Vonarskarð
> (Mountain-Pass of Hopes?).
> Hann nam síðan Fljótshverfi ok bjó at Gnúpi, ok var hannHe then claimed Fljótshverfi and dwelt at Gnúpr, and for
> því Gnúpa-Bárðr kallaðr.
> He then claimed Fljotshverfi (river/lake-cluster of farms)
> and lived at Gnupi (Peak), and he was called that:
> Peak-Bardr.
> He took (possession of) Fljótshverfi (Lake´s cluster-of
> farms) after-that and lived at Gnúpr (Peak) and he was
> for-that (reason) (því) called Gnúpa-Bárðr (Bárðr of the
> Peaks).
> En Egill, sonr Bárðar, bjó eftir at Lundarbrekku.But Egil, Bárð’s son, continued to live at Lundarbrekka.
> And/but Egill, Bardr's son, lived afterwards at
> Lundarbrekku.
> But (And) Egill, son of Bárðr, lived after at Lundarbrekka
> (Grove´s-Slope)
> Hann átti Salgerði, dóttur Þóris snepils at Lundi.He married Salgerð, daughter of Þóri snepil ['snip, flap',
> He married Salgerdi, Thoris "Snip's" daughter at Lund.
> He had (in marriage) Salgerðr, daughter of Þórir ‘flap’ of
> Lundr (The Grove).
> Þeirra sonr var Hrani hringr, sem því var kallaðr hringr,Their son was Hrani hringr ['ring'], who was called ‘Ring’
> at hann hafði rauðan hring á vinstri kinn.
> Their son was Hrani "Ring," who was then called Ring,
> because he had a red ring on (his) left cheek.
> Their son was Hrani ‘Ring, who was-called ‘Ring’ because
> he had a read ring on (his) left cheek (of his face!).
> Hrani var snemma gerviligr ok inn mesti maðr.He was soon accomplished and the greatest man.
> Hrani was very soon accomplished and the greatest man.
> Hrani was soon accomplished and the greatest person (man).
> 2. kafli - Útkoma Helga króks ok landnámHelgi krók’s arrival in Iceland and settlement
> Helgi "Hook's" Coming out to Iceland and Settlement
> Chapter 2 – (The) coming out (to Iceland) of Helgi ‘Hook’
> and Settlement (lit: Land-Taking)
> Maðr er nefndr Helgi krókr, sonr Goðlaugs Ásgeirssonar úrThere is a man named Helgi krók ['hook'], son of Goðlaug
> Sogni.
> A man is named Helgi "Hook," son of Godlaug Asgeirson from
> Sogn.
> (There) is a person (man) named Helgi ‘Hook’, son of
> Goðlaugr Ásgeirr’s-son out-of Sogn (District in Norway).
> Hann fór frá Suðreyjum til Íslands ok hélt skipi sínu íHe travelled from the Hebrides to Iceland and steered his
> Skjálfandafljótsós.
> He travelled from the Hebrides to Iceland and steered his
> ship to Skjálfandafljótsós (Tremble-eye-river-mouth ?)
> He journeyed from the Hebrides, (Suðreyjar, lit: South
> Islands) to Iceland and steered (lit: held) his ship into
> Skjálfandafljótsóss (Quivering-River’s-Mouth).
> Hann var skyldr Agli á Lundarbrekku ok Þorsteini íHe was related to Egil of Lundarbrekka and Þorstein of
> Reykjahlíð.
> He was related to Agl at Lundarbrekku and Thorstein in
> Smoke-mountainside.
> He was related to Egill in Lundarbrekka (Grove’s-Slope)
> and Þorsteinn in Reykjahlíð (Mountainside of Steam/Smoke).
> Helgi reið frá skipi sínu at Lundarbrekku.Helgi rode from his ship to Lundarbrekka.
> Helgi rode from his ship at Lundarbrekk.
> Helgi rode from his ship to Lundarbrekka (Grove’s-Slope).
> Þeir feðgar tóku vel við honum, ok var hann þar um hríð.They, father and son, received him well, and he stayed there
> They, father and son, received him well, and he stayed
> there a while.
> They, father-and-son, received him well, and he was
> (stayed) there for a while.
> Eitt sinn kom hann at máli við Egil, at hann vildiOne time he came to talk to Egil, [to say] that he wanted to
> staðfestast þar í dalnum, en þá var allr Bárðardalr
> byggðr.
> One time he arrived to speak to Egil, that he wanted to
> live (Z. "take up his abode") there in the valley, but/and
> then Bardr's Valley was completely settled.
> One time he came to speech with Egill, that he wanted to
> take-up-his-abode there in the-dale, but then (ie at that
> time) was all Bárðardalr (Bárðr’s-Dale) settled.
> Egill mælti: "Hugat hefi ek at bólfestu hér fram til dala,Egil said: ‘I have considered a leasehold from here to the
> ok er víða mjök byggiligt, ok skaltu eiga land allt milli
> Skjálfandafljóts ok Mjóadalsár fram til Sanda."
> Egil said: "I have looked after an estate held by lease
> here up to (the) valley, and it is largely very
> inhabitable, and you shall own all (the) land between
> Skjalfandafljot and Mjoadalsar (Slender-chief-river?) up
> to Sanda."
> Egill spoke: “I have looked into a leasehold from here to
> (the) dale, and (it) is far-and-wide very habitable. and
> you-shall have all land between Skjálfandafljót
> (Quivering-River) ok Mjóadalsá (Slender-Dale’s River)
> forward to Sandar (The Sands, Sand-banks)
> Eftir þetta riðu þeir Egill ok Helgi krókr at heiman okAfter this Egil and Helgi krókr rode home and viewed the
> skoðuðu landit ok kölluðu Króksdal fram með fljóti.
> After this they, Egill and Helgi "Hook," rode home and
> viewed the land and called (it) Hook-valley along (the)
> lake.
> After this they, Egill and Helgi ‘Hook’ ride from-home and
> viewed the-land and claimed (cf kalla, Z4) Króksdalr
> (‘Hook’s-Dale) forward along (the) river.
> Helgi reisti bæ á Króksdal ok kallaði Helgastaði.Helgi set up a farmstead at Króksdal and called it
> Helgi built a fram at Hook-valley and called (it)
> Helgi-place.
> Helgi raised a farmstead in Króksdalr and called (it)
> Helgastaðir (Helgi’s-Steads).
> Hann átti konu þá, er Hallveig hét.He married that woman who was called Hallveig.
> He then married a woman who was named Hallveig.
> He had (in marriage) that woman, who was-called Hallveig.