Here’s my translation



Þetta sjá góðgjarnir menn að þau vandræði mundu af standa ef þingheimurinn berðist að seint mundi bætur bíða.
Benevolent men see (present tense) this, that those troubles would remain from (this, ie the present troubles would not be resolved) if the-assembly-at-the-Thing fought (so) that (they) would await (the) compensations (bót, Z2) slowly. (ie it would be a long time before they received any atonement - not sure about this)

Er þá gengið í milli og verða skildir og snúið málum til sættar og var Oddur ofurliði borinn og varð undan að láta
(It) is then gone in between and (they) became (ie were) separated and the suits brought to settlement (impersonal construction) and Oddr was overcome (bera, Z5) by overwhelming-force (ofrlið) and was-forced to (verða + inf, Z7) yield (láta undan, Z12)

fyrir því að bæði var að hann þótti þyngra málahlut eiga að flytja enda varð hann aflvani fyrir liðs sakir.
because (it) was both that he seemed more-heavily (comparative of þungr) to have to perform his-share-in-the suit and-moreover he became deficient-in-strength (ie he was overwhelmed)  because of (lit: by reasons of) troops.

Var þá það mælt að Oddur mundi tjalda á brottu úr þinghelgi en ganga til dóma og að nauðsynjum sínum,
That was then stipulated (mæla, Z2) that Oddr would pitch-tent away out-of (ie outside) (the) Thing-boundary but (and) (would) go (on foot) to (the) court also according-to his needs (ie as was necessary for him),

fara með sig spaklega, sýna enga þrjósku né hans menn.
(would) behave (lit: go with himself) peacefully, (would) show no refractoriness (þrjózka) nor his men (people).

Sitja menn nú yfir málum og leita að sætta þá og horfir Oddi þunglega fyrir það mest að mikið ofurefli var í móti.
Men (People) sit now over (ie attend to) (the) cases and seek to settle (verb) them (pronoun) and (it) turns (looks) difficult (lit: heavy) for Oddr for that mostly that ( ie mainly because) a great overwhelming-force was against (him).

15. kafli
Chapter 15

En nú skal segja nokkuð af Hersteini, að honum létti brátt sóttarinnar er þeir riðu til þingsins. Fer hann þá í Örnólfsdal.
But (And) now (one) shall say something of Hersteinn, that he is relieved of his illnesses (impers, e-m léttir, létta, Z5) when they rode to the-assembly. He journeys then to Örnólfsdalr (Örnólr’s-dale).

Það var einn morgun snemma að hann var í smiðju því að hann var manna hagastur á járn.
That was early one morning that he was in (the) smithy because he was a man (person) most-skilful in iron.

Þá kemur þar bóndi einn sá er Örnólfur hét og sagði svo: "Sjúk er kýr mín," sagði hann, "og bið eg þig Hersteinn að þú farir og sjáir hana.
Then comes there a farmer alone, that-one (ie he) who was-called Örnólfr and (he) said thus: “My cow is sick,” he said, “and I beg you, Hersteinn, that you go and see her.

Þykir oss nú gott að þú ert aftur kominn og höfum vér þá nokkuð svo iðgjöld föður þíns er oss varð að mestu gagni."
(It) seems) to us now good that you are (have) come back (ie returned) and we have somewhat also recompense for your-father who (or which?) became (ie was) of most use to us.”

Hersteinn svarar: "Eigi hirði eg um kú þína og kann eg eigi að sjá hvað henni er til meins."
Hersteinn answers: “I care not about your cow and I am-unable to see what is the matter with her (lit: what (it) is with her by-way-of-disease, injury, etc)

Bóndi svarar: "Mikill er þó munur að faðir þinn gaf mér kúna en þú vilt eigi sjá hana."
(The) farmer answers: “Great is (the) importance/distinction/difference nevertheless that your father gave me the-cow but you want not to see her.”

Hersteinn svarar: "Eg gef þér aðra kú ef þessi deyr."
Hersteinn answers: “I (will) give you another cow if this (one) dies.”

Bóndi svarar: "Það vil eg fyrst þiggja að þú sjáir þessa."
(The) farmer answers: “I want to get (receive) that first that you see this (one).”

Hersteinn sprettur þá upp og verður hermt við og gengur út og bóndinn með honum, snúa síðan í veg til skógar.
Hersteinn springs up then and grows-angry with (the matter) and walks out and the-farmer with him, turns after-that in (the) direction of (the) forest.

Liggur þar ein sneiðigata og skógurinn á tvær hendur.
Lies there a certain zig-zag-path and the-forest on two sides (lit: hands).

Og er Hersteinn fer klifgötuna nemur hann staðar. Hann var allra manna skyggnastur.
And when Hersteinn travels (the) way-along-the-cliff he stops (lit: takes a spot). He was of all men most-sharp-sighted.

Hann mælti þá: "Kom þar fram skjöldur í skóginum?"
He spoke then: “Did a shield come forth (appear) there in the-forest

Bóndi þagði.
(The) farmer was silent.