Here’s my Translation


I will be unavailable to contribute my translations between now and 5 Jan 2015, so would be grateful if we could suspend the posting of texts until then.





Nú skilst Hersteinn frá liðinu með þrem tigum manna þangað sem hann sagði hinn síðasta náttstað verið hafa Þorvalds Oddssonar,
Now Hersteinn parts from the band with thirty men (lit: three tens of people) to-that-place which he said had been the last (ie most recent) night-quarters of Þorvaldr Oddr‘s-son,

því að hann var þá farinn af vist sinni.
because he was (had) then gone from his abode.

Nú er ókyrrt í héraðinu og mikil umræða og samandráttur liðs af hvorratveggja hendi.
Now (it) is unquiet (úkyrr) in the-district and much talk and gathering of troops from each-of-the-two sides (lit: hands, hönd, Z3).

13. kafli
Chapter 13

Það varð til tíðinda að Hænsna-Þórir hvarf brott úr héraðinu við tólfta mann
That came for as tidings that Hænsa-Þórir disappeared (hverfa brott, Z3) out of the-district with the twelfth man (person) (ie with eleven others)

þegar hann spurði hverjir í málið voru komnir og fréttist alls eigi til hans.
as-soon-as he learned each (side) in the-case were (had) come (arrived) and nothing at all was-heard of him.

Oddur safnar nú liði um dalina, Reykjardal hvorntveggja og Skorradal,
Oddr assembled now a band throughout the-dales (plural), each of the two Reykjadalrs (Dales of Steam) and Skorradalr,

og um allar sveitir fyrir sunnan Hvítá og þó hafði hann mart úr öðrum sveitum.
and throughout all districts south of Hvítá (White-River) and still he had many (troops) from-out-of other districts.

Arngrímur goði safnaði mönnum um Þverárhlíð og Norðurárdal að sumum hluta.
Arngrímr goði (priest-chieftain) assembled men (people) throughout Þveráhlíð (Side-River-Slope) and Norðurádalr (North-River-Dale) from some parts.

Þorkell trefill safnaði mönnum hið neðra um Mýrar og Stafholtstungur og suma Norðurdæla hefir hann með sér
Þorkell ‘Rag’ assembled men (people) lower-down throughout Mýrar (Swamps) and Stafholtstunga (Staff-Wood-Tongue) and some of (the) Norðurdalr-folk he has with him

því að Helgi bróðir hans bjó í Hvammi og hefir hann hann með sér.
because Helgi his brother lived in Hvammr and he has him with him.

Nú safnar Þórður gellir liði vestan og hefir eigi mart lið. Hittast nú þessir allir er í voru málinu og hafa alls tvö hundruð manna,
Now Þórðr gelli ‘Roarer’ assembles a band from-(the)-west and has not many troops. Now all these who were in the-case meet-each-other and (they) have two hundred (of) men (people) in all.,

ríða nú ofan fyrir utan Norðurá og yfir á að Eyjavaði fyrir ofan Stafholt og ætla yfir Hvítá þar sem heitir Þrælastraumur.
(they) ride now down beyond Norðurá (North-River) and over (the) river at Eyjavað (Island-Ford) above Stafholt (Staff-Wood) and (they) intend (to go) over Hvítá (White-River) where (it) is-called Þrælastraumr (Thralls’-Stream).

Þá sjá þeir mannaferð mikla fyrir sunnan ána. Er þar Tungu-Oddur og nær fjögur hundruð manna.
Then they see a great passage-of-people (men) south of the-river. Tungu-Oddr is there and nearly four hundred (of) people (men).

Gæða nú ferðina og vilja fyrr koma til vaðsins.
(They) increase now the-(speed of their)-journey and want to come (reach) the-ford before (the others).

Hittast nú við ána og hlaupa þeir Oddur af baki og verja vaðið en þeim Þórði gengur ógreitt framreiðin og vildu gjarna komast á þingið.
(They) meet-each-other by the-river and they, Oddr (and co) leap now off (horse)-back and defend the-ford but the-riding-on goes unexpeditiously (úgreiðr) for them, Þorðr (and co) and (they) would-want eagerly to make-their-way to the-assembly.

Slær nú í bardaga og verða þegar áverkar. Féllu fjórir menn af Þórði.
(It) came now to a battle (slá í e-t, Z7) and bodily-injury occurs at-once. Four men (persons) fell by means of Þórðr (or from among Þorðr’s troops? Not sure).

Þar féll Þórólfur refur bróðir Álfs úr Dölum, virðulegur maður, og hverfa nú frá við svo búið.
There fell Þórólfr ‘Fox’ brother of Álfr out-of Dalir (the Dales), a worthy man (peson), and (they) turn now away from (the battle) things being so.

Einn maður féll af Oddi en þrír urðu mjög sárir.
One man (person) fell by means of Oddr (or from among Þorðr’s troops?) but (and) three became greatly wounded.

Þórður snýr nú málinu til alþingis. Þeir ríða nú heim vestur og þykir mönnum mjög hallast hafa metorð vestanmanna.
Þórðr turns now the-case to the Althing. They ride now home west and it seems to people (men) greatly to-have turned against (ie a cloud hung over) (the) esteem of the Men (people)-from-the-West

Nú ríður Oddur á þingið. Hann sendi heim þræla sína með hross. Jórunn kona hans spurði tíðinda er þeir komu heim.
Now Oddr rides to (the) assembly. He sends home his slaves (plural) with horses (plural). Jórunn his wife asked tidings when they (ie the slaves) came (reached) home.