> Þorvaldur þagnar og þótti vel boðið.
> Thorvaldr becomes silent and thought (it) was well asked.
> Þorvaldr becomes silent and (it) seemed well offered.
Þorvald becomes silent and thought this well offered.
> Þórir svarar þá: "Eigi er þetta að þiggja og þarf eigi að
> hugsa um það.
> Thorir then answers: "This is not to take lodging for a
> night and it isn't necessary to think about it.
> Þórir answers then: “(One) is not to accept (þiggja, Z1)
> this and (one) need not to think about that.
Then Þóri replies: ‘This is not to be accepted, and it is
not necessary to think about that.
> Löngu átti eg þenna kost og kalla eg mér lið eigi veitt þó
> að slíkt sé og til lítils kom mér að gefa þér fé mitt."
> Long ago I had this choice, and I call more troops not
> givwn although such would be and was of small avail to me
> to give you my wealth."
> Long-ago I had this choice and I send-for help not granted
> to me even though such (ie similar) should-exist and to
> small (degree) came to me to give you my money.” (?? This
> is as clear as mud to me)
I had this opportunity long since, and I say help is not
given to me if it be thus, and it avails me little to give
you my money.’
To expand: ‘I could have taken this offer long since. I say
that if this is the best you can do for me, you haven’t
helped me, and I’m getting nothing for the money that I paid
> Þá mælti Þorvaldur: "Hvað viltu þá gera fyrir
> lögmálsstaðinn?"
> Then Thorvaldr said: "What will you then do for the ground
> of action?"
> Then spoke Þorvaldr: “What do you want to make
> (stipulate?) for (as) the-ground-of-action (legal point)?”
Then Þorvald said: ‘What will you then do concerning the
legal aspect of the matter?’
> Blund-Ketill mælti: "Eigi annað en þú gerir og einn skapir
> slíkt er þú vilt."
> Blund-Ketill said: "Not other than you also make a mind
> such as you wanted."
> Blund (Dozy) Ketill spoke: “Not other than you make
> (stipulate?) and alone shape (form, skapa, verb) such as
> you want.”
Blund-Ketil said: ‘Nothing besides [what] you do; decide it
yourself just as you want.’
<Skapa> can be 'to determine, to decide'.
> Þá svarar Þorvaldur: "Svo líst mér sem engi sé annar á ger
> en að stefna."
> Then Thorvaldr answers: "So, it seems to me that no one
> would be another to do than to summon one."
> Then Þorvaldr answers: “So (it) seems to me that (there)
> is no other (choice) given (göra, Z4) than to summon.”
Then Þorvald replies: ‘It seems to me that no other [choice]
remains than to serve a summons.’
Z4 does not itself account for the <á>; my best guess at the
moment is that <á> is elliptical, with an implied sense
something like ‘in this matter’. Baetke’s entry seems to
suggest that the phrase <engi sé annarr á gerr> is fairly
standard, approaching idiomatic status.
> Hann stefnir þá Blund-Katli um rán og nefnir sér votta og
> hefir þau orð og umkvæði sem hann fékk frekust haft.
> He then summons Blund-Kettil for robbery and names himself
> witnesses and the words he has used (?) and wording as he
> was able to most greedily have.
> He summons then Blund (Dozy) Ketill concerning (the)
> robbery and names for himself witnesses and (he) uses
> (hafa, Z4) those words and terms as he was-able-to (fá +
> pp) use (hafa, Z4) most-harshly (?).
Then he serves a summons on Blund-Ketil for robbery and
names witnesses and uses the harshest words and expressions
that he could use.
<Hafa> Z4; <frekust> is neuter acc. plural, modifying the
nouns <orð> and <umkvæði>. The summons was worded as
nastily as he could make it.
> Nú snýr Blund-Ketill heim að húsum og mætir Austmanninum
> Erni er hann gekk að varnaði sínum.
> Blund-Ketill now turns home to the farm houses and meets
> the Norwegian Erni, when he went to his protection. (?)
> Now Blund (Dozy) Ketill turns home to (his) farm-buildings
> and meets (the) East-man (Norwegian) Örn when he went (on
> foot) to his household-people (varnaðr, Z4).
Now Blund-Ketil turns homewards to his farm buildings and
meets the Easterner Ǫrn as he went to his wares.
<Varnaðr> Z3.
> Örn spurði: "Ertu sár bóndi er þú ert svo rauður sem
> blóð?"
> Orn asked: "Are you wounded, farmer, when you were so red
> as blood?"
> Örn asked: “Are you wounded, master, when you are as red
> as blood.”
Ǫrn asked: ‘Are you wounded, master, that you are as red as
> Hann svarar: "Eigi er eg sár en eigi er þetta betra.
> He answers: "I am not wounded, but not is this better.
> He answers: “I am not wounded but this is not better.
He replies: ‘I am not wounded, but this is not better.
> Þau orð eru töluð við mig sem aldrei hafa áður töluð
> verið.
> The words were spoken against me as never before have been
> spoken.
> Those words are (ie have been) told (spoken) to me which
> never have been told (spoken) before.
Those words have been spoken to me as have never before been
> Eg er kallaður þjófur og ránsmaður."
> I have called Thjofr also a thief."
> I am called a thief and a robber.”
I am called thief and robber.’
> Örn tekur boga sinn og lætur koma ör á streng og kemur þá
> út í því er þeir stigu á bak.
> Orn takes his bow and causes to bring an arrow to (the)
> string, and then comes out in that when they got on their
> horses.
> Örn takes his bow and causes to bring an arrow onto (the)
> string and (he) comes then out(side) in that (instant)
> when they mounted (lit stepped onto (horse) back).
Ǫrn takes his bow and sets an arrow to the string and then
comes out just as they mounted their horses.
> Hann skaut og varð maður fyrir og lætur sígast niður af
> hestinum og var það Helgi son Arngríms goða.
> He shot and a man happened in front and let him sink down
> from his horse and that one was Helgi, chieftain Argrim's
> son.
> He shot and a man (person) happened to be before (ie in
> the way of the arrow) and (he) allows himself to drop down
> from the-horse and that was Helgi son of Arngrímr (the)
> goði.
He shot, and a man was in the way and lets himself sink
down from the horse, and that was Helgi, son of Arngrím
> Þeir hlaupa að honum.
> They run to him.
> They run to him.
They run to him.
> Þórir otar sér fram milli manna og hratt mönnum frá sér og
> biður gefa sér rúm "því að mér mun mest um hugað."
> Thorir pushes himself forward from among the men and and
> pushed the men away from him and asks to give him (Helgi)
> room, "because I will be most concerned."
> Þórir thrusts himself forward between men (persons) and
> pushed (hrinda) men (persons) from himself and asks (them)
> to give himself room “because for me will be most at heart
> (see hugaðr, Z3).”
Þóri thrusts himself forward between the men and shoved men
away from himself and asks them to give him room, ‘for it
concerns me most.’
> Hann laut að Helga niður og var hann þá dauður.
> He bent down (Z. says "bow down," but I think "bent down"
> works better here) to Helgi and he was then dead.
> He bowed (lúta) down to Helgi and he was then dead.
He bent down to Helgi, and he was then dead.
> Þórir mælti: "Er lítill mátturinn fóstri minn?"
> Thorir said: "Is my foster relative's strength little?"
> Þórir spoke: “Is the-strength little, my foster-son?”
Þóri said: ‘Is your strength little, my foster son?’
I.e., are you weak?
> Þórir réttist þá frá honum og mælti: "Talaði sveinninn við
> mig.
> Thorir then rose up from him and said: "The boy told me.
> Þórir rises then him and spoke: “The-boy talked (spoke) to
> me.
Then Þóri straightened up from him and said: ‘The boy spoke
to me.
> Sagði hann tvisvar hið sama, þetta hérna:"
> He said twice the same, this here:"
> He said twice the same, this here:
He said the same thing twice, this here:
> Brenni, brenni
> Burned, burned
> Burn, burn
“Burn, burn
> Blund-Ketil inni.
> Blund-Ketil inside.
> Blund (Dozy) Ketill inside.
Blund-Ketil in.”’
> Arngrímur svarar þá: "Nú fór sem mig varði að oft hlýtur
> illt af illum og grunaði mig að mikið illt mundi af þér
> hljótast Þórir og eigi veit eg hvað sveinninn hefir sagt
> þó að þú fleiprir eitthvert.
> Arngrimr then answers, "Now it went as I had a foreboding
> and often suffers ill of evil and I suspected that much
> ill would result from you, Thorir, and I don't know what
> the boy has said although you prattle some."
> Arngrímr answers then: “Now (it) has-gone as was-forboded
> (vara) to me that often ill is-begotten from ill and I
> suspect (impers constr, , gruna, Z3) that much ill would
> result from you, Þórir and I know not what the-boy has
> said even though you prattle something.
Then Arngrím replies: ‘Now it went as I feared, that evil
often comes from evil people, and I suspected that great
evil would come from you, Þóri, and I do not know what the
boy has said, though you babble something.
Note that <illum> is plural; I’m pretty sure that <mǫnnum>
is understood.
> En þó er eigi ólíklegt að slíkt verði gert.
> Yet it is not unlikely that such became done.
> But still (it) is not unlikely that such would-become
> done.
And yet it is not unlikely that such will be done.
‘Such’ apparently refers to the burning-in of Blund-Ketil.
> Hófst þetta mál illa.
> This matter began poorly.
> This matter began badly.
This affair began badly.
> Kann og vera að svo lúkist."
> I knew also to be that it so ended."
> (It) may (kunna, Z10) also be that it ends thus.”
It may also be that it ends so.’