Þórir svarar: "Eiga þykir mér þú nokkuð nauðsynlegra en ávíta mig."
Thorir answers: "It has to seem to me somewhat necessary than to chide me."
Þeir Arngrímur ríða nú brott undir skógarnef eitt og stíga af hestum og eru nú þar til þess að náttar.
They, Arngrimr (and company) now ride away to an outskirt of some woods and get off (their) horses and they stay there that night (?).
En Blund-Ketill þakkar mönnum vel sitt liðsinni og bað hvern mann ríða heimleiðis sem best gegndi.
And Blund-Ketill thanks well the men of his company and asks each man ride the path home as goes best.
9. kafli
Svo er sagt að þegar er náttaði ríða þeir Þorvaldur að bænum í Örnólfsdal.
So it is said that at once it became dark (it could also mean "when the night passed," except that the next sentence implies the former), they Thorvaldr (et al) ride to the farms in Ornolfdale (Eagle-??-dale?)
Voru þar þá allir menn í svefni.
The people there were all asleep.
Þeir draga viðarköst að bænum og slá í eldi.
They drag a pile of wood to the farms and set it on fire.
Vakna þeir Blund-Ketill eigi fyrr en húsin loguðu yfir þeim.
They, Blund-Ketill (and friends), don't wake up before the house was blazing over them.
Blund-Ketill spurði hverjir þar kveiktu svo heitan eld.
Blund-Ketill asked who kindled so hot a fire.
Þórir sagði hverjir voru.
Thorir said who they were.
Blund-Ketill frétti ef nokkuð skyldi ná sáttum.
Blund-Ketill asked if someone should reach an agreement.
Þórir sagði að engi er kostur annar en brenna.
Thorir said that (there) is no choice other than burning.
Þeir skiljast nú eigi fyrr við en hvert mannsbarn er þar inni brunnið.
They part now not before with and which which human being is burned there inside.
Hersteinn son Blund-Ketils hafði farið um kveldið til fóstra síns er Þorbjörn hét og var kallaður stígandi.
Herstein, Blund-Ketil's son, had gone during the evening to his foster relative who was named Thorbjorn and was called "stepping."
Það er mælt að Þorbjörn væri eigi allur jafnan þar sem hann var sénn.
It is said that Thorbjorn would not be all equal there as he was seen.
Hersteinn vaknar um morguninn og spurði hvort fóstri hans vekti.
Hersteinn wakes up during the morning and asked whether his foster-relative woke up.
Hann kveðst vaka "eða hvað viltu?"
He greeted awakening "what did you want?"
"Mig dreymdi að mér þótti sem faðir minn gengi hér inn og loguðu um hann klæðin öll og allur þótti mér sem hann væri eldur einn."
I dreamed that is seemed to me as if my father went here inside and all his clothes were burning around him and it all seemed to me as he would be burned alone."
Þeir standa upp og ganga út og sjá skjótt logann.
They stand up and go out and see at once the fire.
Þeir taka vopn sín og fara hvatlega og voru þá allir menn á brottu er þeir komu þar.
They take their weapons and go quickly and all men then went away when they arrived there.
Hersteinn mælti: "Hér eru orðin hörmuleg tíðindi eða hvað er nú til ráða?"
Hersteinn said: "Sad news has come to pass, what is to advise now?"
Þorbjörn svarar: "Nú skal neyta þess boðs er Tungu-Oddur hefir oft mælt að eg skyldi til hans koma ef eg þyrfti nokkurs við."
Thorbjorn answers: "Now shall use be made of that offer which Tongu-Oddr has often spoken that I should come to his house if I needed something."
Hersteinn svarar: "Eigi þykir mér það vænlegt."
Hernstein answers: "It doesn't seem promising to me."
En þó fara þeir og koma á Breiðabólstað og kalla út Odd.
However, they go and arrive and Breidabolstad and call out Oddr.
Hann gengur út og tekur við þeim vel og spurði tíðinda.
He goes out and receives them well and asks for news. (This was before CNN, obviously.)
Þeir sögðu slík sem orðin voru.
He said such as the reports were.
Hann lætur illa yfir.
He expresses disapproval.