> Hún sagði og hversu vel Bolli hafði boðið eða hversu
> heimsklega Helga fór.
> She also told how well Bolli had offered or how foolishly
> Helgi went astray.
> She said also how well Bolli had offered or how foolishly
> Helgi had acted (lit: how foolishly (it) went for Helgi,
> see fara, Z10, impers).
<Eða> can also be 'and', as it is here.
> Bað hún Þorstein eiga í allan hlut að þetta mál greiddist.
> She asked Thorstein to have in all matters that this case
> (would) get on well.
> She bade Þorsteinn to be-obliged (to commit himself, eiga,
> Z3?) in all things that this affair was-settled.
The only way that I can make sense of <eiga í allan hlut> is
to understand it as <eiga allan hlut í>: ‘She told Þorstein
to be altogether concerned in [it], that this affair was
> Eg vil gefa þér hest þann er bestur er hér í sveitum og
> eru tólf saman hrossin."
> I will give you that horse that is best here in the
> district and the horses are 12 altogether.”
> I will give to you that horse (stallion) which is (the)
> best here in (the) district and the-mares (ie in his
> harem) are twelve together.”
I think that there are 12 horses altogether, one stallion
and 11 mares; <hross> is the general term as well as more
specifically 'mare'.
> Mun og lítið af verða þá er í dóm kemur."
> And little will come to pass when it comes up for
> judgement.”
> (It) will also come to little (not count much, verða af
> e-u, Z7?) when it comes to a judgement (dómr, Z1).”
Analogous to <varð ekki af ferðinu> 'the journey came to
nought' at Z8, I think. I might go with ‘little will come
of [it]’.
> Bolli svarar: "Það ætla eg sannast að ekki þurfi um að
> leitast því að eg vil ekki sættast á þetta mál."
> Bolli answers: “I most truly intend that, that I don’t
> need to search for (recompense), because I don’t want to
> be reconciled concerning this case.”
> Bolli answers: “I expect to prove-true (sannast is a refl
> verb here, I think) that, that (it) is-not-necessary to
> seek-out (that) because I want not to come-to-an-agreement
> in this case.
This is <ætla> Z1, 'think, suppose', with the superlative of
<sannr> Z1 'true': ‘I think it most true that [it] is not
necessary ...’.
> "Þá kýstu það er öllum oss gegnir verst," sagði Þorsteinn,
> "þótt Helgi sé lítils verður þá er hann þó í venslum
> bundinn við oss.
> Then you choose that which goes worst for all,” said
> Thorstein, “Although Helgi would be little worthy when he
> yet in relation-to-marriage (is) tied to us.
> “Then you-chose (kjósa) that which to us all suits (gegna)
> worst,” said Þorsteinn, “even-though Helgi is worthy of
> little, then he is nevertheless in blood-ties bound with
> us.
I think that the last <þá> just marks the beginning of the
second clause of the utterance (the first being <þótt ...
verður>) and isn’t really to be translated.