Here’s my translation
Bolli sagði honum.
Bolli said to him.
Þá mælti bóndi: "Þá tel eg þig hafa á öðrum alist meir en hálfan mánuð."
Then (the) farmer spoke: “Then I consider you to have (bludged? alist?) on others more than a half month.”
Helgi hefur þá upp aðra stefnu og stefnir Bolla um verðgang.
Helgi raises up then another summons and summons Bolli concerning begging (ie bludging (living) of others as in previous sentence).
Og er því var lokið þá mælti Bolli: "Þú hefir mikið við Helgi og mun betur fallið að leika nokkuð í móti við þig."
And when (it) was concluded with that (ie when that was out of the way), then Bolli spoke: “You make a great display (see hafa mikit við, under hafa, Z14) and (it) will (be) better suited, (see fallin, Z3) to deal (leika, Z5) somewhat against you in return.”
Þá hefur Bolli upp stefnu og stefndi Helga um illmæli við sig og annarri stefnu um brekráð til fjár síns.
Then Bolli raises up a summons and summons Helgi concerning slander (ill-speaking) against himself and another summons concerning an attempt-at-fraudulent-acquisition of his (ie Bolli’s) property.
Þeir mæltu förunautar hans að drepa skyldi skelmi þann. Bolli kvað það eigi skyldu. Bolli lét varða skóggang.
Then his travelling-companions spoke that (they) should kill that rogue. Bolli declared (they) should not (do) that. Bolli made ( láta, Z5) (those offences) to be punishable-by (varða, Z5) outlawry (lit: forest-walking).
Hann mælti eftir stefnuna: "Þér skuluð færa heim húsfreyju Helga hníf og belti er eg sendi henni því að mér er sagt að hún hafi gott eina lagt til vorra haga."
He spoke after the-summons: “You (plural, ie his travelling companions) shall convey (foera) home to (the) wife of Helgi (genitive) a knife and belt which I send her because (it) is said to me (ie I have heard) that she has laid a good (word) to our affairs ) (hagr not hagi) (see leggja got til e-s, Z14) (ie declared support for us).”
Bolli ríður nú í brott en Helgi er þar eftir. Þeir Bolli koma til Þorsteins á Háls og fá þar góðar viðtökur. Er þar búin veisla fríð.
Bolli rides now away but (and) Helgi is (ie stays) there behind (eptir, , Z.iii.2). They, Bolli (and co) come to Þorsteinn at Háls (Neck, Ridge) and (the) receive their a good reception. A fine feast is there prepared.
85. kafli
Chapter 85
Nú er að segja frá Helga að hann kemur heim á Skeið og segir húsfreyju sinni hvað þeir Bolli höfðu við ást.
Now (one) is to say about Helgi that he comes home to Skeið and says to his wife with what they, Bolli (and himself) had dealt-with-one-another (ázt pp of eigast við, recipr, Z9 I think).
"Þykist eg eigi vita," segir hann, "hvað mér verður til ráðs að eiga við slíkan mann sem Bolli er en eg er málamaður engi.
“I bethink myself not to know,” says he, “what is-necessary for me to do (seems to be combination of vera til ráðs, rað, Z4, and verða + inf, Z7) to deal with (or contend, eiga við e-n, Z10) such a person (man) as Bolli is but I am no taker-upperer of suits (CV, seems to fit better than soldier, Z).
Á eg og ekki marga þá er mér muni að málum veita."
I have also not many (of) those who will give-help to me in law-suits.”
Sigríður húsfreyja svarar: "Þú ert orðinn mannfóli mikill, hefir átt við hina göfgustu menn og gert þig að undri.
Housewife Sigríðr answers: “You are (have)become a great fool, have quarrelled (eiga við again) with the most-noble persons (men) and made a spectacle of yourself (see undr, Z2).
Mun þér og fara sem maklegt er að þú munt hér fyrir upp gefa allt fé þitt og sjálfan þig."
(It) will also go (ie turn out) for you as is deserved that you will here for (that) give up (ie lose) all your property and you yourself (ie your life).”
Helgi heyrði á orð hennar og þóttu ill vera en grunaði þó að satt mundi vera því að honum var svo farið að hann var vesalmenni og þó skapillur og heimskur.
Helgi listened to her speech and (it) seemed to be bad but suspected (gruna, impers, Z4) nevertheless that (it) would be true because (it) was (had) gone (ie turned out) for him such that he was a lowly-person and nevertheless ill-tempered and foolish.
Sá hann sig engi færi hafa til leiðréttu en mælt sig í ófæru. Barst hann heldur illa af fyrir þetta allt jafnsaman.
He saw himself to have no opportunity for putting-things-right but (and) (to have) spoken himself into a critical-state (corner, úfoera) (“me and my big mouth!”). He bore-himself rather badly from (it) for this all together (?).
Sigríður lét taka sér hest og reið að finna Þorstein frænda sinn Narfason og voru þeir Bolli þá komnir.
Sigríðr caused to take for herself a horse and rode to meet Þorsteinn, her kinsman, Narfi´s-son and they, Bolli (and co) were (had) then come (arrived).
Hún heimti Þorstein á mál og sagði honum í hvert efni komið var.
She drew Þorsteinn into speech and said to him into what (state) matters was (had) come.