> Það voru lög í þann tíma ef maður drap þræl fyrir manni að
> sá maður skyldi færa heim þrælsgjöld og hefja ferð sína
> fyrir hina þriðju sól eftir víg þrælsins.
> It was a law at that time if a man killed a thrall,
> harming a man, that that man should bring home weregild
> for a thrall and begin his journey before the third day
> after the thrall's slaying.
It was the law in those days that if a man killed a thrall
to a[nother] man’s disadvantage, that man should convey home
[to the injured party] weregild for a thrall and start his
journey before the third day [‘sun’] after the thrall’s
> Það skyldu vera tólf aurar silfurs.
> It (that is, the payment) should be 12 ounces of silver.
That should be twelve ounces of silver.
> Og er þrælsgjöld voru að lögum færð þá var eigi sókn til
> um víg þrælsins.
> And when the weregild for a thrall was delivered, then it
> was not a prosecution concerning the thrall's slaying.
And when weregild for a thrall was presented according to
law, there could not be [‘wasn’t’] prosecution for the
thrall’s slaying.
> Eftir víg Egils tóku Breiðvíkingar það ráð að færa
> þrælsgjöld að lögum og völdu þrjá tigu manna þaðan frá
> Leikskálum og var það einvalalið.
> After Egil's slaying, the Breidvikings took that advice to
> convey the weregild for a thrall according to the law and
> chose 30 men thence from Leikskal and it was a chosen body
> of troops.
After Egil’s slaying the Breiðvíkings decided [‘took that
course’] to present weregild for a thrall according to law
and chose thirty men thence from Leikskálar, and they were
picked troops.
> Þeir riðu norður um heiði og gistu um nótt á Eyri hjá
> Steinþóri.
> They rode north across (the) heath and spent (the) night
> at Eyri next to Steinthor.
They rode north across [the] heath and spent [the] night at
Eyr with Steinþór.
> Réðst hann þá til ferðar með þeim.
> He then got ready to travel with them.
He then joined them on the journey [‘undertook a journey
with them’].
> Voru þeir þaðan í ferð sex tigir manna og riðu inn um
> fjörðu og voru aðra nótt á Bakka að Þormóðar, bróður
> Steinþórs.
> They were thence 60 men on (the) journey and rode in
> across (the) fiord and spent the second night at Bakka at
> Thormodar, Steinthor's brother.
After that they were 60 men on [the] journey and rode in
[i.e., east, towards the interior] along the fjord and
stayed the second night at Bakki at Þormóð’s, Steinþór’s
This is <þaðan> Z3.
> Þeir kvöddu þá Styr og Vermund frændur sína til þessar
> ferðar og voru þá saman átta tigir manna.
> They then greeted Stry and Vermundr, his relative to these
> journeys and they were then 80 men altogether.
They called on Styr and Vermund, their kinsmen, to [join
them on] this journey and were then 80 men altogether.
This is <kveðja> Z1. Note that <frændur> (ON <frændr>) is
nom. plur.; the nom. sing. is <frændi>.
> Þá sendi Steinþór mann til Helgafells og vildi vita hvað
> Snorri goði tæki til ráða er hann spurði liðsafnaðinn.
> Then Steinthor sent a man to Helgafell and wanted to know
> what plan chieftain Snorri would adopt when he heard of
> the forces.
Then Steinþór sent a man to Helgafell and wanted to know
what plan Snorri goði would adopt when he learned of the
gathering of troops.
> En er sendimaðurinn kom til Helgafells sat Snorri goði í
> öndugi sínu og var þar engi breytni á híbýlum.
> When the messenger arrived at Helgafell, chieftain Snorri
> sat in his high seat and there was no change in the house.
And when the messenger came to Helgafell, Snorri goði sat in
his high seat, and there was no change in the household.
A note in another edition suggests that this means that the
messenger saw no signs of an impending departure.
> Varð sendimaður Steinþórs engra tíðinda vís hvað Snorri
> ætlaðist fyrir.
> Steinthor's messenger didn't get any certain news (about)
> what Snorri was intending to do.
Steinþór’s messenger got no certain information about what
Snorri intended to do.
> En er hann kom út á Bakka segir hann Steinþóri hvað
> tíðinda var að Helgafelli.
> When he arrived out at Bakka, he tells Steinthor what news
> was at Helgafell.
And when he arrived out at Bakki, he told Steinþór what
[the] news was at Helgafell.
> Steinþór svarar: "Þess var von að Snorri mundi þola mönnum
> lög.
> Steinthor answers: “That would be expected that Snorri
> would bear law men.
Steinþór answers: ‘It was to be expected that Snorri would
have the benefit of the law.
See <þola> Z2, the last citation.
> Og ef hann fer eigi inn til Álftafjarðar þá sé eg eigi til
> hvers vér þurfum liðsfjölda þenna því eg vil að menn fari
> spaklega þó að vér höldum málum vorum til laga.
> And if he goes in to Alftafjard, then I don't see to what
> we need this great host that I want that men go peacefully
> although we keep our law case. (?)
And if he does not go in to Álptafjörð, I do not see for
what we need this great host, for I wish folks to go
peacefully, even though we maintain our case at law.
<Því> in <því eg vil> is equivalent to <því at> 'because,
for'. The last bit is saying that he wants to go peacefully
even though they intend to prosecute their case all the way
to a decision.
> Sýnist mér ráð Þórður frændi," segir hann, "að þér
> Breiðvíkingar séuð hér eftir því að þar mun minnst til
> þurfa að í komi með ykkur Þorbrandssonum."
> It seemed to me advisable, kinsman Thordr,” he says, “that
> you Breidvikings stay here after because there will least
> need to come with you, sons of Thorbrand.”
It seems advisable to me, Þórð, kinsman,’ he says, ‘that you
Breiðvíkings remain here, for [it] will be least needed
there that it comes to discord between you and Þorbrand’s
In other words, the last thing that we need is for you to
get into a fight with Þorbrand’s sons.
> Þórður svarar: "Það er víst að eg skal fara og skal
> Þorleifur kimbi eigi að því eiga að spotta að eg þori eigi
> að færa þrælsgjöld."
> Thordr answers: “It is certain that I shall go and
> Thorleifr Kimbi shall not have that to jeer about that I
> don't need to deliver weregild for a thrall.”
Þórð answers: ‘It is certain that I will go, and Þorleif
kimbi shall not be able to mock that I dare not present
weregild for a thrall.’
<Þori> is a subjunctive from <þori> 'to dare'.
> Þá mælti Steinþór til þeirra bræðra, Bjarnar og
> Arnbjarnar: "Það vil eg," segir hann, "að þið séuð eftir
> með tuttugu menn."
> Then Steinthor spoke to the brothers, Bjorn and Arnbjorn:
> “I want that,” he says, “that you stay after with 20 men.”
Then Steinþór said to the brothers Björn and Arnbjörn: ‘I
wish,’ he says, ‘that you two remain with twenty men.’