> Þessi svarar er fyrir skyldi vera: "Gengið er nú þaðan er
> þeir gerðu erfið það hið fjölmenna er tólf hundruð manna
> sátu að og ganga slíkir höfðingjar mjög saman er nú vilja
> eigi veita einum manni nokkura ásjá."

> This answers which should lead (??): “Go now from there
> where they made difficult that the many people where 1200
> man sat and go such leaders many together who now don't
> want to grant one man some help.”

> This (one) who should be (ie who supposedly was)
> in-front-of (him) (ie the make-believe person) answers:
> “That (the)-crowd is now gone from-there where they-made
> the-funeral-feast, when twelve hundred men (persons) sat
> at (table) and such chiefs go much together (are all the
> same, all peas in a pod?) who now want not to grant to one
> man some help.

An old German edition suggests that it’s ‘... and such
chieftains (will) dwindle greatly (in importance) if they
now will not ...’. Baetke has <ganga saman> 'schrumpfen,
kleiner werden, schwinden'.
