79. kafli - Af Bolla Bollasyni

Í þann tíma er Bolli Bollason bjó í Tungu og nú var áður frá sagt þá bjó
norður í Skagafirði á
In those times when Bolli Bolli’s son lived in Tongue and now was previously
described, then lived north in Skagafirth at

Miklabæ Arnór kerlingarnef son Bjarnar Þórðarsonar frá Höfða.
Great Farm, Arnor ‘old woman nose,’ son of Bjorn Thordar’s son of Hofda.

Þórður hét maður er bjó á Marbæli. Guðrún hét kona hans. Þau voru vel að sér
og höfðu gnótt
A man was named Thord who lived at Marbaeli. His wife was named Gudrun.
They were well accomplished and had an abundance

fjár. Son þeirra hét Ólafur og var hann ungur að aldri og allra manna
efnilegastur. Guðrún kona
of livestock. Their son was named Olaf and he was young in age of all men
most promising. Gudrun,

Þórðar var náskyld Bolla Bollasyni. Var hún systrungur hans. Ólafur son
þeirra Þórðar var
Thord’s wife was a close relative of Bolli, Bolli’s son. She was his
cousin. Olaf their, (Gudrun’s and) Thord’s was

heitinn eftir Ólafi pá í Hjarðarholti.
named after Olaf then in Hjardarholt.

Þórður og Þorvaldur Hjaltasynir bjuggu að Hofi í Hjaltadal. Þeir voru
höfðingjar miklir.
Thord and Thorvald Hjalti’s sons lived at Hof in Hjaltadale. They were
great chieftains.

Maður hét Þórólfur og var kallaður stertimaður. Hann bjó í Þúfum. Hann var
óvinveittur í skapi
A man was named Thorolf and was called stiff? man. He lived in Thuf. He
was hostile in temperament

og æðimaður mikill. Hann átti griðung grán, ólman. Þórður af Marbæli var í
förum með Arnóri.
and a very furious ? man. He had a grey bull, (a) wild (Baetke) (one).
Thord of Marbaeli was on a journey with Arnor.

Þórólfur stærimaður átti frændkonu Arnórs en hann var þingmaður Hjaltasona.
Hann átti illt við
Thorolf (one or the other is a typo –maybe a form of styrr?) was married to
a kinswoman of Arnors and he was a Thingman of Hjalti’s sons. He quarreled

búa sína og lagði það í vanda sinn. Kom það mest til þeirra Marbælinga.
Graðungur hans gerði
his neighbors and set up difficulties for them? It fell mostly on those
Marbaelingers. His bull

mönnum margt mein þá er hann kom úr afréttum. Meiddi hann fé manna en gekk
eigi undan
did people great harm then when it got out of the common pasture. It
injured people’s livestock and did not go away

grjóti. Hann braut og andvirki og gerði margt illt.
with stones (being pitched at it). It also broke up hay stacks and did much

Þórður af Marbæli hitti Þórólf að máli og bað hann varðveita graðung sinn:
"Viljum vér eigi þola honum ofríki."
Thord of Marbaeli met Thorolf to talk to him and bade him keep his bull
(fenced in), “We will not endure tyranny from it.”

Þórólfur lést eigi mundu sitja að fé sínu. Fer Þórður heim við svo búið.
Thorolf said he would? not bother himself with livestock?? Thord went home
as matters stood.

Eigi miklu síðar getur Þórður að líta hvar graðungurinn hefir brotið niður
torfstakka hans. Þórður
Not much later Thord gets to look where the bull has broken down his peat
stack. Thord

hleypur þá til og hefir spjót í hendi og er boli sér það veður hann jörð svo
að upp tekur um
runs to it then and has a spear in hand and when (the) bull sees it he
throws earth (up) so that it is taken? up

klaufir. Þórður leggur til hans svo að hann fellur dauður á jörð. Þórður
hitti Þórólf og sagði honum að boli var dauður.
in his cleft hooves???. Thord attacks it so that it fell dead to the
ground. Thord met Thorolf and told him that (the) bull was dead.

Grace Hatton
Hawley, PA