> Björn var úti þrjú dægur í hellinum áður upp létti
> hríðinni en þá kom hann af heiðinni hið fjórða dægrið og
> kom þá heim til Kambs.

> Bjorn was outside three days in the cave before the
> snowstorm abated, and then he came from the district on
> the fourth day and then came home to Kamb.

> Bjorn was out three days in the cave before the storm let
> up and then he came from the heath the fourth 12 hour
> period and came home then to Kambs.

Björn was out in the cave for three days before the storm
let up, and then he came off the heath on the fourth day and
then came home to Kamb.

> Hann var þrekaður mjög.

> He was very exhausted.
> He was very exhausted.

He was thoroughly exhausted.

> Spurðu heimamenn hann hvar hann hefði verið um veðrin.

> The house servants asked him where he had been during the
> (bad) weather.

> (His) men asked him where he had been during the storm.

His household asked him where he had been during the storm.

> Björn kvað:

> Bjorn said:
> Bjorn recited;

Björn said:

> Spurðust vor und vörðum

> Was learned spring (?) under a pile of stones
> It has been learned of us and

<Vor> is ON <vár> 'our', modifying <verk> in the next line;
<vörðum> is the dative plural of the adjectival past
participle <var(i)ðr> of <verja> 'to wrap, enclose'; Zoëga
notes that <gulli variðr> is 'mounted, adorned with gold',
and CV has several similar examples. Here the specific
metal (gold, silver, iron) isn’t mentioned, but gold seems

> verk Styrbjarnar merkjum.

> Styrbjarn's work of distinction.

> work of Styrbjorn remarked by women (or watchers –
> vörðum).

This is <merki> Z2 'banner, standard': Björn had fought
under Styrbjörn’s banner.

> Járnfaldinn hlóð öldum

> The iron hood built ages
> The iron hood (helmet?) silence by ages

This is <öld> Z3, the poetic sense 'men'.

> Eirekr í dyn geira.

> Eirekr makes in noise.
> Eirik in din of spears.

> Nú trað eg hauðr of heiði

> I now trod earth overbright sky
> Now I trod the earth of heath

<of> = <um>

> hundvillr því fat eg illa

> utterly lost I stepped poorly
> utterly lost, bad, I less

Here <feta> is 'find one’s way', and <illa> is more 'with
difficulty' than 'poorly'.

> víða braut í votri

> far and wide away in wet (?)
> wide abroad in rain

<Votri> 'wet' modifies <drífu> in the next line.

> vífs görninga drífu.

> Woman's deeds drove (as snow)
> driven by woman’s deed.

<Drífu> is the dative singular of <drífa> 'snowfall';
<gørninga> is the genitive of the plural noun <gørningar>
'witchcraft', and I take <gørninga drífa> 'witchcraft’s
snowfall' to be essentially a compound noun.

Spurðusk vár und vörðum
verk Styrbjarnar merkjum;
jarnfaldinn hlóð öldum
Eirekr í dyn geira;
nú traðk hauðr of heiði
hundvillr, þvít fatk illa
víða braut í vátri
vífs gørninga drífu.

Got abroad our under-(gold-)ornamented-
Styrbjörn’s-banners deeds;
hooded in mail slew men
Eirek in din of spears;
now I trod earth across heath
utterly lost, for I found my way badly
[on the] wide way in wet
witchy snowfall of woman.

A more natural prose order:

Spurðusk vớr verk und vörðum merkjum Styrbjarnar;
jarnfaldinn Eirekr hlóð öldum í geira dyn; nú traðk [=
trað-k = trað ek] hundvillr hauðr of heiði, þvít fatk [=
fat-k] illa víða braut í vátri gørninga drífu vífs.

Our deeds under Styrbjörn’s (gold-)ornamented banners got
abroad [i.e., became famous]; Eirek, hooded in mail, slew
men in din of spears [= battle]; now I trod, utterly lost,
[the] ground across [the] heath, for I found my way with
difficulty on the wide way [probably referring to the
snow-covered heath] in [the] woman’s wet witchy snowfall.

> Björn var nú heima um veturinn.

> Bjorn now stayed home during the winter.
> Bjorn was now at home during the winter.

Björn now stayed home during the winter.

> Um vorið gerði Arnbjörn bróðir hans bú á Bakka í Hraunhöfn
> en Björn bjó að Kambi og hafði rausnarbú mikið.

> During the spring, his brother Arnbjorn built a residence
> at Bakka in Hraunhofn, but Bjorn lived at Kambi and had
> very great estate.

> During the spring, Arnbjorn, his brother, built a farm at
> Bakka in Hraunhofn but Bjorn lived at Kambi and had a very
> great estate.

In the spring Arnbjörn, his brother, set up a household at
Bakki in Hraunhöfn, but Björn lived at Kamb and had a very
great estate.

> Vor þetta hið sama á Þórsnessþingi hóf Þorleifur kimbi
> bónorð sitt og bað Helgu Þorláksdóttur á Eyri, systur
> Steinþórs á Eyri, og gekk mest með þessu Þormóður bróðir
> hennar.

> This same spring at Thorness's Assembly, Thorleifr kimbi
> started his courtship and asked (for the hand in marriage
> of) Helga, Thorlak's daughter in Eyri, a sister of
> Steinthor's in Eyri, and her brother Thormodur went most
> with this.

> That same spring, at Thorsness Thing Thorleif kimbi raised
> his proposal and asked for Helga Thorlak’s daughter, a
> sister of Steinthor of Eyr, and Thormod, her brother,
> mostly went along with this.

This same spring at [the] Þórsnessþing Þorleif kimbi made
his proposal and asked for Helga Þorláksdóttir of Eyr in
marriage, Steinþór of Eyr’s sister, and Þormóð, her brother
most assisted in this.

> Hann átti Þorgerði Þorbrandsdóttur, systur Þorleifs kimba.

> He married Thorgerd, Thorbrand's daughter, a sister of
> Thorleifr kimba.

> He was married at Eyr to Thorgerd Thorbrand’s daughter, a
> sister of Thorleif kimbi.

He [had] married Þorgerð Þorbrandsdóttir, Þorleif kimbi’s
