Það var einn dag að Björn fór til Fróðár. Og um kveldið er hann bjóst heim
að fara var þykkt
It was one day that Bjorn went to Frod River. And during the evening when
he prepared to go home the weather was thick

veður og regn nokkuð og var hann heldur síðbúinn. En er hann kom upp á
heiðina kólnaði veðrið
and somewhat rainy and he was rather late underway. (Couldn’t tear himself
away.) And when he came up to the heath the weather became cold

og dreif. Var þá svo myrkt að hann sá eigi leiðina fyrir sér. Eftir það
laust á hríð með svo miklu
and it sprinkled. It was then so dark that he could not see the way before
him. After that (he) was caught by a storm so great

hreggi að hann fékk varla stýrt sér. Tók þá að frysta að honum klæðin er
hann var áður alvotur.
that he was barely able to steer himself. Then his clothing began to freeze
when he was already all wet?

Fór hann þá og svo villur að hann vissi eigi hvert hann horfði. Hann hitti
um nóttina hellisskúta
Then he went (on) and (was) so bewildered that he knew not where he turned.
During the night he found a certain jutting cave

einn og fór þar inn í og var þar um nóttina og hafði kalda búð. Þá kvað
and went inside there and stayed there during the night and had a cold
shelter. Then Bjorn recited:

Myndit Hlín of hyggja
Hlin shapes to think too (much?)

hafleygjar vel þeygi,
?? well conceal

sú er ber í vá víða
that one who carries in weighed (down?) widely

váðir, mínu ráði
clothes, by my plan

ef eld-Njörun öldu
if fire-Njorun ??

ein vissi mig steina,
alone knew me of stones

hirðiþoll, í helli,
?? in a cave

hafviggs, kalinn liggja.
?? to lie cold.
Og enn kvað hann:
And still he recited:
Sýlda skar eg svana fold
Stiff with ice I cover closely earth of a swan

súðum því að gæibrúðr
with overlapping edges of boards because ??

ástum leiddi oss fast
by love led us hard

austan með hlaðið flaust.
from the east with laden ship.

Víða gat eg vosbúð,
Widely I get fatigue,

víglundr nú um stund
?? now for a time

helli byggir hugfullr
(I) settle in a cave mindful

hingað fyr konu bing.
hither for a bed of a woman.

Grace Hatton
Hawley, PA