Guðrún svarar: "Fast skorar þú þetta sonur minn," segir Guðrún, "en ef eg
skal það nokkurum
Gudrun answers, “You are much galled?? by this, my son,” says Gudrun, “ but
if I shall tell anyone
segja þá mun eg þig helst velja til þess."
then I would rather choose you for this.”
Bolli bað hana svo gera.
Bolli bade her do so.
Þá mælti Guðrún: "Þeim var eg verst er eg unni mest."
Then Gudrun spoke, “I was worst to that one who I loved most.”
"Það hyggjum vér," svarar Bolli, "að nú sé sagt alleinarðlega" og kvað hana
vel hafa gert er hún sagði þetta er hann forvitnaði.
“We think it,” answers Bolli, “that now be told sincerely” and said she had
done well when she
said this which he had inquired about.
Guðrún varð gömul kona og er það sögn manna að hún yrði sjónlaus. Guðrún
andaðist að
Gudrun became an old woman and it is the tale of people that she became
blind. Gudrun died at
Helgafelli og þar hvílir hún.
Helgafell and she is buried there.
Gellir Þorkelsson bjó að Helgafelli til elli og er margt merkilegt frá honum
sagt. Hann kemur og
Gellir Thorkell’s son lived at Helgafell to old age and much remarkable is
told of him. He comes also
við margar sögur þótt hans sé hér lítt getið. Hann lét gera kirkju að
Helgafelli virðulega mjög,
into many sagas although here of him little is mentioned. He had a very
worthy church built at Helgafell,
svo sem Arnór jarlaskáld vottar í erfidrápu þeirri er hann orti um Gelli og
kveður þar skýrt á
so as Arnor earl’s skald ?? in that funeral poem which he composed about
Gellir and recites there setting forth about this.
þetta. Og er Gellir var nokkuð hniginn á hinn efra aldur þá býr hann ferð
sína af Íslandi. Hann
And when Gellir was somewhat declining to advancing years then he began his
journey from Iceland. He
kom til Noregs og dvaldist þar eigi lengi, fer þegar af landi á brott og
gengur suður til Róms,
came to Norway and remained there not long, goes at once from the land
abroad and goes sound to Rome,
sækir heim hinn helga Pétur postula. Hann dvelst í þeirri ferð mjög lengi,
fer síðan sunnan og
seeks the home of the holy apostle Peter. He remained on that journey a
very long time, goes afterwards from the south and
kemur í Danmörk. Þá tekur hann sótt og lá mjög lengi og fékk alla þjónustu.
Síðan andaðist hann
comes to Denmark. Then he became sick and lay (ill) a very long time and
got all services. Afterwards he died
og hvílir í Hróiskeldu. Gellir hafði haft Sköfnung með sér og náðist hann
ekki síðan. En hann
and is buried in Hroiskeld. Gellir had had Skofnung with him and it could
not be obtained. And it
hafði verið tekinn úr haugi Hrólfs kraka. Og er andlát Gellis spurðist til
Íslands þá tók Þorkell
had been taken out of the mound of Hrolf kraki. And when Gellir’s death was
learned of in Iceland, then Thorkell,
son hans við föðurleifð sinni að Helgafelli en Þorgils, annar son Gellis,
drukknaði ungur á
his son, took over his inheritance from his father at Helgafell and
Thorgils, Gellir’s other son, drowned young in
Breiðafirði og allir þeir er á skipi voru með honum. Þorkell Gellisson var
hið mesta nytmenni og var sagður manna fróðastur.
Breidafirth and all those who were on the ship with him. Thorkell Gellir’s
son was the most useful man and as said (to be) wisest of men.