> Um sumarið þá er þeir voru nýkomnir út var stefnt
> fjölmennt mannamót fyrir norðan heiðina undir
> Haugabrekkum, inn frá Fróðárósi, og riðu þeir til
> kaupmennirnir allir í litklæðum.

> During the summer when they had just come to Iceland, a
> meeting of many people was summoned for the north district
> below Haugabrekkum, inward from Frodarosi, and they, the
> merchants, all rode in colored clothing.

> During the summer then when they were newly arrived out
> (in Iceland), a crowd was summoned for a meeting north of
> the heath below Haugabrekkum, in from the mouth of the
> Frod River, and they, all the merchants, rode to (it) in
> colored clothing

In the summer, when they had just come out [to Iceland], a
great meeting was called north of the heath below
Haugabrekkur, in from Fróðárós, and all the merchants rode
there in dyed clothes.

> Og er þeir komu til mannamótsins var þar mart manna fyrir.

> And when when came to the meeting, there was many a man
> before (them).

> And when they arrived at the meeting there were many
> people there before (them).

And when they came to the meeting, many people were already

> Þar var Þuríður húsfreyja frá Fróðá og gekk Björn til tals
> við hana og lagði engi maður það til orðs.

> Mistress Thuridur was there from Froda, and Bjorn went to
> speak with her and no man talked about it.

> Wife Thurid from Frod River was there and Bjorn went to
> talk with her and no one thought (anything) of it.

Þuríð from Fróðá was there, and Björn went to talk with her,
and no one talked about that [i.e., thought it worthy of

> Þótti mönnum að vonum að þeim yrði hjaldrjúgt svo langt
> sem í milli funda hafði verið.

> It seemed to people that they had much to say so long as
> there had been a meeting between (them).

> It seemed to people customary that they became talkative
> so long as it had been between a meeting.

It seemed to people to be expected that they had much to
say, so long as it had been between meetings.

> Þar urðu áverkar með mönnum um daginn.

> There happened a bodily injury between people during the
> day.

> Wounds happened there between men during the day.

During the day there were bodily injuries to people.

> Þar var særður til ólífis maður þeirra norðanmanna og var
> hann borinn undir hrísrunn einn er stóð á eyrinni og hljóp
> blóð mikið úr sárinu og stóð blóðtjörn í runninum.

> There was wounded to death a man of the people of the
> north, and he was carried under some brushwood which stood
> on the island and much blood ran from the wound and a pool
> of blood in the ambush.

> A man was fatally wounded of those men from the north
> there and he was carried beneath a certain bush which
> stood on the gravel bank and much blood ran out of the
> wound and a pool of blood stood in the shrub???

A man of the northerners was wounded to the death, and he
was borne under a bush that stood on the spit, and much
blood ran from the wound, and a pool of blood stood in(!)
the bush.

I expect that we’s say ‘under the bush’.

> Þar var sveinninn Kjartan, sonur Þuríðar frá Fróðá.
> The boy Kjartan, Thurid from Froda's son, was there.
> There was the boy Kjartan, son of Thurid of Frod River.

The lad Kjartan was there, son of Þuríð from Fróðá.

> Hann hafði öxi litla í hendi.
> He had a small axe in (his) hand.
> He had a little axe in his hand.

He had a little axe in [his] hand.

> Hann hljóp að runninum og laugaði öxina í blóðinu.
> He ran to the ambush and dipped the axe in the blood.
> He ran to the shrub and bathed the axe in the blood.

He ran to the bush and bathed the axe in the blood.

> En er þeir Heiðsynningar riðu suður af mannamótinu spyr
> Þórður blígur hversu á horfist um tal með þeim Þuríði að
> Fróðá.

> When they, Heid's sons, rode south from the meeting,
> Thordur asks for a look how it looked concerning (the)
> conversation between them, Thuridur from Froda (and
> Bjorn).

> And when they, the Heath-kin rode south from the meeting
> Thord blig asks how it went regarding conversation between
> them, Bjorn and Thurid from Frod River.

And when the Heiðsynningar [folks from south of the heath;
Björn is one of them] rode south from the meeting, Þórð
blígr asks how matters look concerning the talk between
Björn and Þuríð of Fróðá.

> Björn lét vel yfir.
> Bjorn expressed approval.
> Bjorn said he was pleased with it.

Björn expressed satisfaction about [it].

> Þá spurði Þórður hvort hann hefði séð um daginn sveininn
> Kjartan son þeirra Þórodds allra saman.

> Then Thordur asked whether he had seen during the day the
> boy Kjartan, their, Þóroddur (and somebody else's) son,
> all together.

> Then Thord asked whether he had seen during the day the
> boy Kjartan, son of those Thorods all together.

Then Þórð asked whether during the day he had seen the lad
Kjartan, son of Þórodd [and] them all together.

On the face of it this makes little sense, and I initially
thought that <þeirra Þórodds> meant ‘Þuríð’s and Þórodd’s’,
since we know that Kjartan is Þuríð’s son. Unfortunately,
that left <allra saman> dangling, and since <allra> is gen.
plur., matching <þeirra>, this just wasn’t satisfactory. I
finally dug up an explanation: Kjartan is actually Björn’s
son, not Þórodd’s, the result of Björn’s affair with Þuríð,
and <son þeirra Þórodds allra saman> ‘son of Þórodd and all
the others’ is a tacit acknowledgement of this.

> "Sá eg hann," segir Björn.
> “I saw him,” says Bjorn.
> “I saw him,” says Bjorn.

‘I saw him,’ says Björn.

> "Hvern veg leist þér á hann?" sagði Þórður.
> “(Along) which road did he appear to you?” said Thordur.
> “What do you think of him?” said Thord.

‘How did he seem to you?’ said Þórð.

> Þá kvað Björn vísu þessa:
> Then Bjorn recited this verse:
> Then Bjorn recited this verse:

Then Björn spoke this verse:

> Sá eg hvar rann í runni
> I saw where ran in a bush
> I saw where ran in a bush

> runnr að fenris brunni,
> runs to a wolf's end,
> a bush for Fenrir’s spring,

> ægilegr í augum,
> terrible in eyes,
> wretched in eyes,

> iðglíki mér, bríkar.
> Like me, of a short bench.
> ?? to me, benches?

> Láta þeygi þrjótar
> Let yet not it fails
> Let be silent when he died

> það barn vita Mörnar,
> That child knows Mornar,
> that boy knows ??

> hesta hleypi rastar
> a horse ran a race
> leaped by horses ??

> hlunns, sinn föður kunna.
> A roller's, his father understands.
> rollers to launch ships, his father to recognize.

Sák, hvar rann í runni
runnr at fenris brunni
œgiligr í augum,
iðglíki mér, bríkar;
láta þeygi þrjótar
þat barn vita Mörnar,
hesta hleypi rastar
hlunns, sinn föður kunna.

I saw, where ran into [the] bush
a bush to Fenrir’s spring
frightening of eye [‘in eyes’],
my counterpart, woman’s;
not yet allow knaves
of Mörn’s beacon that child,
galloper of horses of ocean current of
ship-roller, his father, to know.

Sák hvar bríkar runnr rann í runni at fenris brunni, œgiligr
í augum, iðglíki mér; þrjótar Mörnar vita láta þat barn
þeygi kunna föður sinn, hleypi hlunns rastar hesta.

I saw where woman’s bush [= child] ran into the bush to
Fenrir’s spring [= blood], terrible to see, my counterpart;
knaves of Mörn’s beacon [= gold’s knaves = men] do not yet
let that child know his father, galloper of ship-roller’s
ocean current’s horses [= galloper of sea’s horses =
galloper of ships = seafarer].
