> Hann hafði glaðel í hendi sem títt er í útlöndum.
> He had a sword in his hand as customary when in foreign
> lands.
> He had a lance (Baetke) in hand as customary abroad.
> He had a sword (see CV, but a lance according to MM/HP) in
> (his) hand as is (er) customary in foreign-lands.
'Sword' is the etymological gloss, since the word is from
Latin <gladiolus>. Since 'lance' is unetymological, I
expect that there’s good evidence that it’s correct.
> Með slíkri kurteisi ríður Bolli vestur í sveitir allt þar
> til er hann kom til Helgafells með liði sínu.
> With such chivalry, Bolli rides west in the district all
> there to where he came to Helfafell with his troops.
> With such nobility Bolli rides west in all (the) district
> until he came to Helgafell with his company.
> With such chivalry Bolli rides west into (the) districts
> (plural) completely until he came to Helgafell with his
> band.
Here I think that ‘courtliness’ or something similar is
probably closer to what’s intended than ‘chivalry’ as we
normally use the term.
> Bolli varð frægur af ferð þessi.
> Bolli became famous from this trip.
> Bolli was famous from this journey.
> Bolli became famous from this journey.
This one is a puzzle. <Ferð> is feminine, and this form can
be nom., dat., or acc. sing. <Þessi> can be masc. nom.
sing., fem. nom. sing., or neut. nom. or acc. plur. The
only match is fem. nom. sing. However, <af> takes the
dative, and I’d expect <af ferð þessari>.
> Sú sótt fór ekki ótt.
> His illness did not go vehemently.
> That sickness did not go ??.
> That sickness went not vehemently (rapidly?, óðr).
The idea seems to be that it was a gradual sickness that
progressed in measured fashion. Baetke also notes <fara
ótt> 'to hurry'.
> Létu synir Snorra sér það vel líka.
> Snorri's sons comported themselves liked it. (??)
> Snorri’s sons expressed approval of it.
> (The) sons of Snorri caused (láta, Z5) to satisfy (líka)
> themselves well with that (ie they accepted that well).
I think that <létu> is Z10, making it ‘Snorri’s sons said
that that pleased them well’.