Um sumarið þá er þeir voru nýkomnir út var stefnt fjölmennt mannamót fyrir
norðan heiðina
During the summer then when they were newly arrived out (in Iceland), a
crowd was summoned for a meeting north of the heath
undir Haugabrekkum, inn frá Fróðárósi, og riðu þeir til kaupmennirnir allir
í litklæðum. Og er
below Haugabrekkum, in from the mouth of the Frod River, and they, all the
merchants, rode to (it) in colored clothing and when
þeir komu til mannamótsins var þar mart manna fyrir. Þar var Þuríður
húsfreyja frá Fróðá og
they arrived at the meeting there were many people there before (them).
Wife Thurid from Frod River was there and
gekk Björn til tals við hana og lagði engi maður það til orðs. Þótti mönnum
að vonum að þeim
Bjorn went to talk with her and no one thought (anything) of it. It seemed
to people customary that they
yrði hjaldrjúgt svo langt sem í milli funda hafði verið.
became talkative so long as it had been between a meeting.
Þar urðu áverkar með mönnum um daginn. Þar var særður til ólífis maður
þeirra norðanmanna og
Wounds happened there between men during the day. A man was fatally wounded
of those men from the north there and
var hann borinn undir hrísrunn einn er stóð á eyrinni og hljóp blóð mikið úr
sárinu og stóð blóðtjörn í runninum.
he was carried beneath a certain bush which stood on the gravel bank and
much blood ran out of the wound and a pool of blood stood in the shrub???
Þar var sveinninn Kjartan, sonur Þuríðar frá Fróðá. Hann hafði öxi litla í
hendi. Hann hljóp að
There was the boy Kjartan, son of Thurid of Frod Riber. He had a little axe
in his hand. He ran to
runninum og laugaði öxina í blóðinu.
the shrub and bathed the axe in the blood.
En er þeir Heiðsynningar riðu suður af mannamótinu spyr Þórður blígur hversu
á horfist um tal
and when they, the Heath-kin rode south from the meeting Thord blig asks how
it went regarding
með þeim Þuríði að Fróðá. Björn lét vel yfir.
between them, Bjorn and Thurid from Frod River. Bjorn said he was pleased
with it.
Þá spurði Þórður hvort hann hefði séð um daginn sveininn Kjartan son þeirra
Þórodds allra saman.
Then Thord asked whether he had seen during the day the boy Kjartan, son of
those Thorods all together.
"Sá eg hann," segir Björn.
“I saw him,” says Bjorn.
"Hvern veg leist þér á hann?" sagði Þórður.
“What do you think of him?” said Thord.
Þá kvað Björn vísu þessa:
Then Bjorn recited this verse:
Sá eg hvar rann í runni
I saw where ran in a bush
runnr að fenris brunni,
a bush for Fenrir’s spring,
ægilegr í augum,
wretched in eyes,
iðglíki mér, bríkar.
?? to me, benches?
Láta þeygi þrjótar
Let be silent when he died
það barn vita Mörnar,
that boy knows ??
hesta hleypi rastar
leaped by horses ??
hlunns, sinn föður kunna.
rollers to launch ships, his father to recognize.