> Nú er að segja frá þrælum Arnkels að þeir gengu inn þá er
> þeir höfðu inn borið heyið og fóru af skinnstökkum sínum.
> Now we must tell of Arnkell’s thralls, that they went in
> where they carried in the hay and took off their skin
> cloaks.
> Now is to speak of Arnkell’s thralls that they went in
> then where they had carried the hay in and took off their
> skin cloaks.
Now is to be said of Arnkel’s thralls that they went inside
when they had carried in the hay and took off their skin
> Þá vöknuðu fylgdarmenn Arnkels og spurðu hvar hann var.
> Then Arnkells attendants woke up and asked where he was.
> Then Arnkell’s followers awakened and asked where he was.
Then Arnkel’s followers awoke and asked where he was.
> Þá var sem þrællinn vaknaði af svefni og svarar: "Það er
> satt," segir hann, "hann mun berjast inn á Örlygsstöðum
> við Snorra goða.”
> Then it was as the thrall woke from sleep and answers: “It
> is true,” he says, “he will be fighting in at Orlygstad
> against chieftain Snorri.”
> Then (it) was as (if) the thrall awakened from sleep and
> answers, “It is true,” says he, “he must be fighting in at
> Orlyg’s steads with Chieftain Snorri.”
Then [it] was as if the thrall awakened from sleep and
answers: ‘That is true,’ he says, ‘he must be fighting
Snorri goði in at Ørlygsstaðir.’
> Þá hljópu menn upp og klæddust og fóru sem skyndilegast
> inn á Örlygsstaði og fundu Arnkel bónda sinn dauðan og var
> hann öllum mönnum harmdauði því að hann hefir verið allra
> menna best að sér um alla hluti í fornum sið og manna
> vitrastur, vel skapi farinn, hjartaprúður og hverjum manni
> djarfari, einarður og allvel stilltur.
> Then (the) men jumped up and got dressed and went the most
> speedily in to Orlystad and found their master Arnkell
> dead, and he was of all men lamented because he has been
> of all men best that himself concerning all matters in the
> old religion and of men most wise, well tempered, of
> courage, and of each man bolder, more firm and very well
> disposed.
> Then men leaped up and dressed and went as hastily as
> possible in to Orlyg’s steads and found their farmer
> Arnkell dead and he was lamented by all people because he
> had been of all men best in all aspects in old customs and
> wisest of men, well disposed of mind, generous and more
> daring than? each man, hearty and very moderate.
Then men jumped up and got dressed and went as quickly as
possible in to Ørlygsstaðir and found Arnkel, their master,
dead, and he was lamented by everyone, because he has been
of all men in olden days [i.e., heathen times] best in all
things and [the] wisest of men, good-tempered, generous [or
stouthearted] and braver than any [other] man [lit. ‘braver
in respect of each man’], reliable, and very calm.
> Hafði hann og jafnan hinn hærra hlut í málaferlum við
> hverja sem skipta var.
> He also had equally the high position in lawsuits with
> whomever (he) was (in) disputes with.
> He had also always the lordly? share in lawsuits with
> whoever disputed.
He also always got the better of it in lawsuits, with
whomsoever [he] dealt.
> Fékk hann af því öfundsamt sem nú kom fram.
> He received from that (that he was) envied as now emerged.
> He made (people) envious of it as now resulted.
On that account he became envied, as now emerged [‘came
> Tóku þeir nú lík Arnkels og bjuggu um og færðu til
> graftar.
> They now received Arnkel’s body and made their bed (or
> “dressed (the corpse)”?) and went to the grave.
> They took now Arnkell’s body and prepared (it) and carried
> it to a grave.
They now took Arnkel’s corpse and prepared [it] and conveyed
[it] to burial.
It could also be ‘to a grave’.
> Arnkell var lagður í haug við sæinn út við Vaðilshöfða og
> er það svo víður haugur sem stakkgarður mikill.
> Arnkell was places in a cairn by the ocean out by Wading
> Cape and it is as expansive a cairn as a great stack-yard
> for hay.
> Arnkell was laid in a mound by the sea out by Vadil’s head
> and it was as widely mounded as a great haystack.
Arnkel was laid in a cairn out by the sea by Vaðilshöfði,
and it is as large a cairn as a large haystack.
> Eftir víg Arnkels voru konur til erfðar og aðildar og var
> fyrir því eigi svo mikill reki að ger um vígið sem von
> mundi þykja um svo göfgan mann.
> After Arnkel’s slaying, women were (Z. says “vera til =
> exist,” but I don’t see how that fits here) inheritance
> and prosecutor and it was before that not so great a
> prosecution to make concerning the slaying as one would be
> accustomed to thinking concerning so noble a man.
> After Arnkell’s slaying women were to inherit and chief
> prosecutors and it was for that reason not so heartily
> pursued to do regarding the slaying as custom would seem
> regarding such an honoured man.
After Arnkel’s slaying women were [responsible] for [the]
inheritance and prosecution of a suit for manslaughter, and
for that reason the killing was not prosecuted so vigorously
[‘not so great a prosecution was done concerning the
killing’] as would have been expected concerning so
worshipful a man.
> En þó var sæst á vígið á þingi og urðu þær einar
> mannsektir að Þorleifur kimbi skyldi vera utan þrjá vetur
> því að honum var kennt banasár Arnkels.
> And though there was a settlement for the slaying at the
> Thing and they befell (?) only banishment that Thorleifr
> Kimbi should stay abroad three years because it was
> assigned to him Arnkel’s death wound.
> But still the slaying was compensated at the Thing and
> they (the women) achieved only outlawry that Thorleif
> kimbi should be abroad three years because he was known
> (to have given) Arnkell the death blow.
But nevertheless an agreement was reached at the þing
concerning the killing, and those were [the] only
outlawries, that Þorleif kimbi should stay abroad for three
years, because he was charged with Arnkel’s death-wound.
Why <mannsektir> is plural I have no idea.
> En með því að eftirmálið varð eigi svo sæmilegt sem
> líklegt þótti um svo mikinn höfðingja sem Arnkell var þá
> færðu landsstjórnarmenn lög á því að aldrei síðan skyldi
> kona vera vígsakaraðili né yngri karlmaður en sextán vetra
> og hefir það haldist jafnan síðan.
> And because the action on behalf of a person slain was not
> so honorable as thought likely concerning so great a
> leader as Arnkell was, then government men brought (i.e.,
> created) a law to that that never since a woman should be
> a prosecutor in a suit for manslaughter nor a man younger
> than 16 years old and that has continued equally since.
> But because the case outcome had not been as honourable as
> seemed fitting regarding such a great chieftain as Arnkell
> was then the government made a law about it because never
> after should a woman be prosecutor in a manslaughter
> lawsuit nor young boy (less) than sixteen years and it has
> held always afterwards.
But because the prosecution for the slaying was not so
fitting as was thought suitable concerning so great a
chieftain as Arnkel was, [the] land’s rulers enacted
[‘brought’] a law to the effect that never after that should
a woman be prosecutor in a suit for manslaughter, or a man
younger than 16, and that has held ever since.
> Þorleifur kimbi tók sér fari um sumarið með kaupmönnum
> þeim er bjuggust í Straumfirði og var hann í sveit með
> stýrimönnum.
> Thorleifr Kimbi himself took passage during the summer
> with some merchants, they who lived in Streamfirth, and he
> was in company with captains.
> Thorleif kimbi took passage for himself during the summer
> with those traders who readied themselves in Straumfirth
> and he was in company with the captains.
Þorleif kimbi took passage in the summer with merchants,
those who were making ready in Straumfjörð, and he was in a
company with [the] captains.